Predictions On Obama's ISIS Speech

1. As he has been the only person calling them ISIL, he will continue calling them that, as somehow he thinks that lessens his responsibility

2. it will be bush's fault

3. it will be the Iraqi's fault

4. it will be bush's fault

6. journalists should not have been in the area

6.. there will be a minimum of 20 I's and/or me's and my's

7. Everything will depend on a "coalition"

8. no boots on the ground

9. under my direction, we have had over 125 air missions

10. they are a regional threat

11. the countries of the region need to step up

12. under no circumstances will I allow either Chik-fil-A or Hobby Lobby to be contractors to any of our forces

13. congress is a do nothing congress

14. YES, I do know what the American People know, I have heard of them

15. no wedding cakes will be allowed in any non com or officer's messes made by anyone wearing a cross

16. this is a long term problem requiring a delicate long term solution, I will start the process but as my term is nearly over it will be necessary to pass my ingenious plan to the next administration
And remember, nobody is madder than I am (though this could fall under your second number 6).
Really does not matter what he says the haters will be doing the usual leg wetting.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think you forgot that it will be Bush's fault. and the GOP's fault. and the CIA's fault. and Dick Cheney's fault.

Seriously, he will have finally come to the realization that we all came to about three months ago, that ISIS is dangerous and a threat to the US in the long run. However, he will not go for victory but will go for the tie. And he will take a sideways slap at Bush.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think I will just wait until tomorrow, so I can find out ...

.. "what he really meant"!
I predict, Me... Me... Me... Me... Me... Me... Me... Me... Me...
-I/my staff have been working tirelessly/around the clock/without rest until....
-I am willing to spend WTF's social security fund on Iraq and Syria even though he doesn't pay FICA taxes anyway
-I will not put boots on the ground even though there are American boots on the ground already
-I am not going to put my daughters in harm's way even though the volunteer troops that are in harm's way will be increased

Will Obama use the phrase "Islamic Terrorist?" I don't believe so.
Will Obama admit that some of the fighters were released from Gitmo? Nope.
Let the leg wetting begin ...
I predict the usual cast of cast-offs, deadbeats, derelicts, malcontents and/or IDIOT's will bitch and moan endlessly, no matter what POTUS says.
I predict the usual cast of cast-offs, deadbeats, derelicts, malcontents and/or IDIOT's will bitch and moan endlessly, no matter what POTUS says. Originally Posted by bigtex

Ocrawdaddy's speech will not be his "Mission Accomplished" speech...

Let's not forget "Let me be clear" BS.
Just over. A lightweight speech by a lightweight President. Romney was right.

It was short. If we are attacked tomorrow, Sept 11, nobody will point to his speech as a deterrent.
I had it pegged

Even in my facetiousness
SEE3772's Avatar