Need to report a moderator

jmaster299's Avatar
Just like the title says, I need to report a mod. Things are getting out of hand on these forums and mids should not be attacking people seeking to put a stop to rude and abusive behavior. I shouldn't feel threatened that I'll be banned, because one mod wants to support and promote personal attacks on clients.
Danielle Silver's Avatar
Banishment is not a threat it is always a possibility if the rules are not followed.
As for a Moderator promoting personal attacks on members on the board; Fake News.

It is not your business as to how other members are dealt with behind the scenes.
You are responsible for one person and one person only and that is yourself.

If you feel you are being targeted, please present your evidence to a different member of staff excluding the member you are referencing too.
jmaster299's Avatar
I did, have all the proof in the world, it was ignored. I broke no rules of any kind.
Boltfan's Avatar
Since you are choosing to make this public...

No one threatened you with anything. You disagreed with our ruling as mods of this site. Your disagreement, even though we were under no obligation to do so, was escalated and a senior mod concurred with the statements made.

You then chose to tell said mod to stop harassing you. ALL the statements made by both you and the mods were noted and submitted for peer review. All of this, by the way, was a courtesy to you. As courtesy because you were attempting to tell us how someone else was feeling. You were told last night EXACTLY why no action beyond the limited one taken was needed. You were told last night the mod for which you complain made no statements that were out of line and actions were consistent with their duties.

While you are welcome to disagree, acting as if we ignored you is 100% on you. If anything you were given far more attention than the situation deserved. The decision stands and is backed by precedent.