Hucklebee, Obama and Kenya.

Facts. (I know a little about Kenya, having taught there and 'trained' the girls cross country team, plus met delightful Kenya Princess some time back.)

- Mau Mau was an exclusively Kikuyu thing, and as much inter Kikuyu as Kikuyu v colonialists. I remember when I was teaching Kikuyus the still bubbling antagonism between different parts of the Kikuyu tribe.

- Obama's father was not Kikuyu but from much farther west, that tribe had nothing to do with Mau Mau.

- Obama's father was imprisoned in 1949, prior to the start of Mau Mau, which started in 1952.

- Churchill was not supportive of some of the policies and actions carried out by British forces during Mau Mau.

- Obama did not meet his father until he was 10 years old.

So (a) why did Huckabee make such a spectacular idiot of himself in the recent book and interview, linking Obama and childhood influence and Mau Mau and (b) why didn't the interviewer learn about the subject and do a proper job challenging his statements (c) how many americans are influenced or believe in this nonsense (d) are there any credible republican candidates out there - good government requires a good opposition.

The issue is not the facts, those are very well known and have been subject to extensive scrutiny, the issue is why somebody should ignore the facts and push a somewhat eccentric viewpoint.

Finally, throwing out ridiculous allegations - do you see any connection with recent SHMB behaviour ?

[I am open to challenge on the above facts, i need to check reliable sources again].

As believable as Berlosconi saying he never touched the girls...

Is this the right forum? Mods please move if necessary. Also I spelt name wrongly in title.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The Mickey Mice were endemic to Kikuyu, but the spirit of Uhuru pervaded pretty much all of black Africa in the 1950's (how could it not have?)....setting their future demagogues up for generations yet to come.

...and poor ol' Peter Poole's still dead. I don't think he ever figured out what he did wrong by the time they sprung the trap on him. The Tom Horn of Kenya, or was he Breaker Morant? Or a present day soccer hooligan? I do not know.
I hope this doesn't go off topic too fast,and I hope the following doesn't help that process, but to relate to Peter Poole...

I was staying with white acquaintances in nairobi, in 1976, the daughter and a friend were talking about traffic accidents or something, it was about some Kenyan guy who had been killed, the daughter then said something like 'one more down, 10 million left to go'

I know teenagers say stupid things, but it is only within a culture which condones these kinds of views that she allowed herself to voice her true opinion.

I also know that children of ex pat communities can have rather distorted upbringings. Confused is the word which comes to mind. Plus resentment at being forced to live in a world not of their choosing.

Back to topic of Huckabee and truth.
ibechill's Avatar
Huck is an idiot. He is subliminally using the tired out race issue. He is using the tired out christian complaint about wedlock by commenting on the recent best actress winner for having a bastard. His thinking is old just like his rhetorical mumblings. I don't want to hear about abortions or guns in 2012 but typical republicans will try to gain the religious base and lose independent support. They are too stupid to leave out the social issues.

Side note that is more relevant to this board is why is harry Reid trying to outlaw prostitution in Nevada? Cuzz he is stupid and playing politics.
I think Huck is playing to a part of the Conservative Movement which believes the President is not a natural born citizen, thus not even eligible to be President.

The fact that Huck is an idiot does not make President Obama any less of a niave fool about how the World works. Nor does it make him any less of a socialist who want sto take what I work very hard for and give it to someone who does not.

Fuck Him, and Huckeba
LexusLover's Avatar
Hucklebee cannot help the eventual Republican candidate by running ...

...... for office or his mouth.

He should stick with doing interviews and writing books.
spunky's Avatar
All politicians are dishonnest to some degree, they will say what they think you want to hear even if it goes completely against their personal beleifs. A politician is like a bad cell mate in prison, their going to fuck you in the ass regardless of what you say or do.
ibechill's Avatar
I would say yes the idiot is.

Is Huckabee Letting 2012 Slip Away?
lizardking's Avatar
I think Huck is playing to a part of the Conservative Movement which believes the President is not a natural born citizen . . . Originally Posted by Jackie S
No, he's playing to that part of the "conservative movement" that is comprised of people who are stupid enough to believe almost anything. This has been an inherent problem in American politics since Reagan's handlers brought the religious right into the fold. By its very nature, religious belief is nothing more than an opinion. Anyone who convinces himself that his opinion is fact is delusional and is suffering from an intellectual blind spot that undermines his capacity for rational thought. Such folks are highly malleable and can be easily manipulated by a political message that panders to their own personal soft spot(s). If one is feeble-minded enough to believe fundamentalist christian dogma, it's a very small step to disregard all of the compelling evidence to the contrary and believe that Obama is a Muslim and not born in the US. Or, for that matter, that he's a socialist.

On top of all that, there's a substantial percentage of our fellow citizens that simply don't like Obama because he's black and they're just looking for something that justifies their feelings.
oldbreed's Avatar
do you see any connection with recent SHMB behaviour ? Originally Posted by essence
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
On top of all that, there's a substantial percentage of our fellow citizens that simply don't like Obama because he's black and they're just looking for something that justifies their feelings. Originally Posted by lizardking


Can you substantiate that assertion, or is it merely another leap of liberal ... oops,

And how come I never met such a specimen? Being a southern hick, all manner of racial shit has forever seemed to fall unbidden unto my personal ears ... especially whispered asides from northern libs when I'm in enemy territory. They falsely assume I'm what they pretend not to be.

But I never yet heard any person say, or hint, that the problem with Obama is his skin color. There are so many real problems with the varmint that the hue of his hide never has occupied much attention from anyone I ever met.

Except for liberals, and the tenets of their faith.
lizardking's Avatar
Yes, I have observed that behavior first-hand. I've heard it expressly stated. But how would I go about "substantiating" that? If you don't recognize that racism is alive and well in America today, you have your eyes closed. If you can't see that some of that is directed at the President, you're just not looking. It's certainly one explanation for the fact that many conservatives have a more fervent dislike of Obama that they do of Bill Clinton, and I believe one would be hard-pressed to make the case that the former is to the left of the latter. And that is particularly true if we're talking about today's WJC.

Why was "Obama-care" not a nefarious socialist plot way back when it was "Dole-care"?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Yes, I have observed that behavior first-hand. I've heard it expressly stated. Originally Posted by lizardking
For the sake of amity and the discussion, let's stipulate I believe you (actually, I don't...but for the sake of the discussion let's say I do). How many people have expressly stated to you that Obama's problem is skin color? One? Five? How many would be required for you to extrapolate to a "substantial percentage"?

But how would I go about "substantiating" that?" Originally Posted by lizardking
..and this is the precise point where you convince yourself that your opinion is, in deed, fact and have taken the liberal leap of faith. But you expressed contempt for how could that be? Ye of little faith eaten up with it?

Why was "Obama-care" not a nefarious socialist plot way back when it was "Dole-care"? Originally Posted by lizardking
Beats hell out of me; I never heard of Dole-care until you posited it just now. So I googled it....You know what Dole care is? Banana growing techniques! Now that's funny.
We're talking 'bout our "half white" president, right? Its his policies and his actions that people be hatin' on. Get off of it.

Back on topic. It seems that Huck was very much pro Global Warming. Although smooth, he makes crucial mistakes that even a Chuck Norris round house kick can't correct. Not presidential material, even when measured against the current office holder. I still think it'll be Romney.
spunky's Avatar
I do not dislike the black half of Obama, its that half that is funny, charming, articulate and motavating. I hate the lying, socialist, marxist, liberal white half!

Just Sayin