TFP/TFCD Photography! NO Charge/Fee!

April_Showers's Avatar
Hey peeps of Eccie...anyone looking to update showcase pics or maybe you want pics for personal use? I'm a Female semi amature photograher and looking to build up my portfolio as well as my experience. I do not have a studio or lighting but I can come to you or we can shoot at an agreed location. I DO have a website with some samples of my work (please don't judge my photography skills by my avatar on here lol) so if you're interested, shoot me a message. I'm open to themes and models so...couples, providers, family, pets, landscaping, men...?

Again, NO charge/fee but I would need permission to use some of them for my portfolio and you can help decide which if you want. You will also recieve an email or cd with ALL of the pics we took and kept.

This is just another hobby I'm passionate about and really enjoy

Mojojo's Avatar
Moved to correct forum.
April_Showers's Avatar
Not sure which one that is...kinda new here
Come to San Antonio! I need pics so bad!
Iaintliein's Avatar
You might have better luck contacting ladies in your area that you want to shoot.

Shutterbugs may flock together, but consider the folks who advertise here as a way to make a living, and how they take this sort of ad.

If you initiate the contact, you can insure that it's a lady who shows her face (very important if you're into photography IMHO), is in your area, and it's always a good idea to ask those who don't already use pro photographers.

It's great fun to photograph beautiful women here, but I'd never try to take business away from the ones who depend on it for a livelihood. No offense intended, I'd love to see your work, one amateur to another.
Terminator69's Avatar
Come to San Antonio! I need pics so bad! Originally Posted by Cristi Cutiepie
Cutiepie you should come to Houston you owe us a visit, and also can get your pics done, thata sounds like a road trip for you, whay you think?
PhotoFantasies's Avatar
You might have better luck contacting ladies in your area that you want to shoot.

Shutterbugs may flock together, but consider the folks who advertise here as a way to make a living, and how they take this sort of ad.

If you initiate the contact, you can insure that it's a lady who shows her face (very important if you're into photography IMHO), is in your area, and it's always a good idea to ask those who don't already use pro photographers.

It's great fun to photograph beautiful women here, but I'd never try to take business away from the ones who depend on it for a livelihood. No offense intended, I'd love to see your work, one amateur to another. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Well said, Iaintliein. .. And thank you for caring for us professionals who DO try to make a living shooting photos. Nothing worse that having regular clients, who suddenly find someone willing to shoot them for free. As a provider, Brook, think how it would be if someone came to your clients and offered the same services for free.

Brook.. you might try signing up for Model Mayhem.
You can almost always find someone on there who will shoot TFP.. though don't expect nude for TF... most people are charging for that nowadays. Nothing against up and coming photogs, in fact, I support them however I can. Just be respectful of people trying to make a living at it.
Hey Brooke Try advertising on creative services on Craigslist. I found alot of models looking for Tfcd shoots there. Also make a model mayhem page as a photographer thats another useful site. Oh yeah & onemodelplace is another good spot to look.

I am a PAID photographer and I see nothing wrong with what you are trying to do. Everyone has to start somewhere. & You have to gain experience before you claim to be a pro. Dont let let the HATERS Get you down. Good Luck to you hun
PhotoTherapy's Avatar
As a provider, Brook, think how it would be if someone came to your clients and offered the same services for free. Originally Posted by PhotoFantasies
Lol... that's called a real-life girlfriend.
jamiejo's Avatar
Hey Brooke Try advertising on creative services on Craigslist. I found alot of models looking for Tfcd shoots there. Also make a model mayhem page as a photographer thats another useful site. Oh yeah & onemodelplace is another good spot to look.

I am a PAID photographer and I see nothing wrong with what you are trying to do. Everyone has to start somewhere. & You have to gain experience before you claim to be a pro. Dont let let the HATERS Get you down. Good Luck to you hun Originally Posted by JahiaraQ
Not to cause controversy, but I agree with you and support Brooke's effort and initiative. It's not an easy thing to overcome; the fear of "jumping in the deep end" with no floaties! Even if it is for a sub-service, so to speak, on a site such as this one. It can be very intimidating and the other comment is a fine example of such. I wouldn't feel threatened myself if girls put ads up offering free kitty because I am secure in my abilities, skills, and my REGULAR CLIENTELE. I'm already established so I don't feel like my territory is being invaded. Oh, wait, THIS ISN'T ONLY MY TERRITORY. This is an open site for the public to view, join, and participate in. What a concept! And besides that, there are new girls on here too that are "semi-amateur" who probably cannot yet afford or just aren't ready for professional photos and would gladly let you snap their pics to get them started. Just as there are ladies on here who can and do use the talents of a professional, established photographer for theirs. So, in my opinion, it looks like it would balance out. I could be wrong, but who knows....
So, you go, Brooke. I wish you luck and prosperity. Call me if you get bored. I might be bored too. We can take some pictures or something. Lol And I WILL drive to Houston. Caio!
I am interested in getting some updated pics, since I have lost some weight, and I need some new ones !!
Come to San Antonio! I need pics so bad! Originally Posted by Cristi Cutiepie
You should shoot me a PM Cutiepie-It would be awesome to take some sexy pics-and you could keep all the shots of course
PhotoFantasies's Avatar
Hey Cutiepie...

I'd be glad to come to you in San Antonio to shoot you. PM me for rates. I shoot with lots of providers, and can provide references.
OMFG PhotoFantasies can you please let Brook have her moment. Damn this is her thread trying to gain experience & Exposure. Get out of the way and let her enjoy the spotlight. Are you that hard up for business? Try advertising on more than just a hobby board. It might help you out.

Ladies thank you so much for supporting Brook as a former provider I can tell you that words can not explain how hard the transition is. Brook if need any tips or advice feel free to contact me.

I see why some posters have an issue with this thread -- no one likes to witness what they think is devaluing of their work -- but I don't think an amateur trying to get experience is devaluing what professional photographers do. If I go to a pro, I will expect a level of artistic quality, professionalism, turn-around time, and some mighty fine retouching skills (not too little, not too much, but juuuuust right) that an amateur just isn't going to be able to or want to provide. There's not really any competition, IMO.

And if we're going to extend this comparison between civvies and pros, no, I don't go down to the local watering hole and tell loose barflies they're ruining my business. Just because their time is no charge, doesn't mean they're at all up to par with moi.