Sharing aids is now only a ticketable offense

I saw on the news this morning that in California it is no longer a felony to disclose your hiv status. This is a scary thought. I don't want to get into the ins and outs of those who openly bb on hobby or providers side, but just thought it was worth the mention. Is there a punishment for not disclosing hiv status in Texas? All these men and women sueing usher for herpes is have no legal ramifications against the artist now?
Grace Preston's Avatar
They're suing him civilly, not criminally. One can be civilly negligent/responsible without having committed a crime.

I'm also pretty certain the laws in regards to civilians are different than "known prostitutes". Its generally a higher crime for a sex worker to not reveal her status than for Jane down at the bookstore.
Wow that's crazy to know that a civilian gets a lesser penalty versus a sex worker. I mean the only difference is the actual known exchange of money. I have taken girls home from the bars that left with cab money utr. All covered of course but certainly a double standard.

I will say this and it's been years but I did contact a women on p411 in San Antonio that replied with her admission of having genital herpes. I did admire the fact that she told me before accepting the appointment but declined.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
KittyLamour's Avatar

State Penalty

Alabama Misdemeanor

Alaska Sentence Enhancement

Arizona Misdemeanor: up to 4 months imprisonment & fine of up to $750

Arkansas Felony or Misdemeanor

California Felony, Misdemeanor, and/or Sentence or Penalty Enhancement

Colorado Felony and/or Sentence Enhancement

Connecticut No specific HIV laws

Delaware No specific HIV laws; health workers face Felony charges for mishandling donated HIV-positive blood

Florida Felony (possibly First Degree)

Georgia Felony: up to 20 years imprisonment

Hawaii No specific HIV laws

Idaho Felony: up to 15 years & fine of up to $5000

Illinois Felony

Indiana Felony or Misdemeanor

Iowa Felony

Kansas Felony or Misdemeanor

Kentucky Felony

Louisiana Felony

Maine No specific HIV laws

Maryland Misdemeanor: up to 3 years imprisonment & fine of up to $2500

Massachusetts No specific HIV laws

Michigan Felony

Minnesota Felony or Misdemeanor

Mississippi Felony: 3 to 10 years imprisonment & fine up to $10,000

Missouri Felony

Montana Misdemeanor

Nebraska Felony

Nevada Felony: 2 to 10 years imprisonment & fine up to $10,000, and/or Misdemeanor and/or Sentence Enhancement

New Hampshire No specific HIV laws

New Jersey Felony

New Mexico No specific HIV laws

New York Felony: up to 7 years imprisonment & fine up to $5000, or Misdemeanor: up to 1 year imprisonment & fine up to $1000

North Carolina Misdemeanor: up to 2 years imprisonment

North Dakota Felony

Ohio Felony

Oklahoma Felony: up to 5 years imprisonment

Oregon No specific HIV laws

Pennsylvania Felony: penalty shall be the same as Second Degree Murder

Rhode Island Misdemeanor: Up to 3 months imprisonment & fine up to $100

South Carolina Felony: up to 10 years imprisonment & fine up to $5000, or Misdemeanor: up to 30 days imprisonment & fine up to $400

South Dakota Felony

Tennessee Felony or Misdemeanor

Texas No specific HIV laws

Utah Felony with Enhanced Penalty

Vermont No specific HIV laws

Virginia Felony or Misdemeanor

Washington Felony

West Virginia Quarantine, Misdemeanor, Felony

Wisconsin Sentence Enhancement

Wyoming Felony or Misdemeanor
Chung Tran's Avatar
does that chart say it's a felony to give someone herpes in Oklahoma?

the same Bastards that siphon Texas money to sustain their scores of Gambling Casinos?

and if you win a few hundred dollars, demand that you turn around and pay State tax on your winnings?
KittyLamour's Avatar
does that chart say it's a felony to give someone herpes in Oklahoma?

the same Bastards that siphon Texas money to sustain their scores of Gambling Casinos?

and if you win a few hundred dollars, demand that you turn around and pay State tax on your winnings? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Idk, Chung Tran, you will have to look that one up yourself. I only researched liability on HIV/Aids disclosure/non-disclosure.

As far as the gambling, I don't gamble. I'm too damn cheap to stand losing money and having nothing to show for it, so again... that's on you to figure out for yourself.
suiram77's Avatar
These laws, only works if the person that has the disease has been tested medically positive for hiv and still knowingly spread it to others. I had a friend who has passed away now 5 years ago knew he had it, but never went and got medically tested and he continued to sleep with lots of women and had infected I believe 4 of them. They all tried to press charges and sue him, but the judge threw it all out and said, because he never went and got tested and there is no medical records of him ever knowing that he has the disease you can’t sue or charge him criminally for medical information he was not aware of. Judge said I have no choice But to throw the criminal and civil case out and dismiss it.

I was sitting in the back of the court room that day 5 years ago, and the air just went out in the court room, ppl was crying on the girls side of the family and I watched him walked right out of the court room a free man. It felt like OJ all over again in some ways, a very sad day. He of course paid for his wrong doings, and because he was not getting any treatment and was not taking any meds at all, 3 months later he lost his life to the disease.

There are a lot of ppl I came to find out that is walking around every day and don’t know they have the virus building up in their immune system. This is why they say to come back and test in 6 months, and even 3 months for sex workers in the sex industry. HIV virus has a huge delay to it, and according to what a doctor told me after I lost my friend, Aids attacks the immune system, and the only way for the HIV virus to be successful is to attack it slowly.
Ugh. It should be murder. With the weapon being the dick/pussy
  • MW76
  • 10-09-2017, 09:47 PM
***These are my personal opinions. Please consult with licensed medical professionals before having sex.***

CDC estimates there are over 1.2 million people infected with HIV/AIDS in the US. One in four don't know they're infected. Law of averages says most of us in the hobby world have unknowingly slept with a positive person. How many of us actually became infected???

There are two reasons I don't worry about HIV/AIDS and partake in BB.

1. Male homosexuals and IV drug users make up 96% of infections. HIV is primarily found in the blood. Rarely does heterosexual sex involve blood. Gay sex involves blood because the ass wasn't designed for penises and tears/bleeds. I'm not gay and live a drug free life.

2. Probability of getting HIV/AIDS from infected woman is only 1/500 per unprotected vaginal intercourse occurence.

I understand there's still a very minute possibility, but I'd have a better chance of winning the Powerball lottery.

***These are my personal opinions. Please consult with licensed medical professionals before having sex.***