Northland Provider?

I am looking for a reputable northland provider. I prefer an area not far from the airport. I do not like hotels they freak me out. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I understand if you dont want to post your response but feel free to email me
phd_IT's Avatar
I would be interested in some northland providers as well. I believe is in the northland. Posted a review on aspd.
BottomFeederKC's Avatar
There are quite a few in NKC if Im not mistaken. I have enjoyed several visits to that part of the metro area over the years.
midwestmonique's Avatar
I am in the Northland, but I do my calls out of a hotel. You should consider switching it up...I would never call anyone doing appts out of their residence. It's more than likely being's like selling drugs, you never do it where you lay your head!!!
Thanks for the info Monique. I never thought of that. I guess that I have seen too many news stories of busts at hotels. I am glad that we have this forum to weed out quality girls from the LE I believe is in the northland. Posted a review on aspd. Originally Posted by Smokes
Does anyone else have anymore info on this provider?