Austin's hobbyists...plz read and contribute

HedonisticFool's Avatar
Just curious, since I haven't done any research myself, is there anything the locals can speak of the attached thread?

In advance, thank you for reading and for any replies...

Best wishes,

Treetop78759's Avatar
Thanks for letting me know that SA is a great place to troll.

The secret to effective trolling is starting a new thread for everything to prevent highjacking another's.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I'm also going to post your thread in the SA CoEd.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
Thanks for letting me know that SA is a great place to troll.

The secret to effective trolling is starting a new thread for everything to prevent highjacking another's. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I'm also going to post your thread in the SA CoEd.
Just earlier, only having read through one of Austins Coed threads that you cleverly started, I've quickly gathered you're not liked very much...and fyi, I'm putting that nicely.

You must be proud of your trolling knowledge...good luck lil' buddy
I don't care.
Pretty sure that's the sentiment of all Kick.
No one asked SammyWK's ass to come to ATX with his incessant cry baby WKing anyway.
Let him have that boring shithole called San Antonio.
Bunch of boring old hand wringing do gooders anyway, maybe rename it Sam Antonio in honor of the biggest cry baby of all!
HedonisticFool's Avatar
You have confirmed my suspicions. Previously I have read posts in your little world, and I got the idea of who's not liked. I just thought it was worth the inquiry...

Rockerdick, I'm so sorry that you got so worked up. Please forgive me for picking at your scabbed over sore spot and conjuring up horrible feelings over our poor SA. Btw, excellent job with your categorized group name for our hobby community. And fyi, "The Boring Shithole" closed it's doors a few years ago.

I feel just awful now, so how bout I treat you to lunch at Kerbey Lane? This month I'll be up there for business at AOC, and I now feel compelled to pick you up a bottle of Midol.

I'll understand if you respectfully decline...

Pretty sure that's the sentiment of all Kick.
No one asked SammyWK's ass to come to ATX with his incessant cry baby WKing anyway.
Let him have that boring shithole called San Antonio.
Bunch of boring old hand wringing do gooders anyway, maybe rename it Sam Antonio in honor of the biggest cry baby of all! Originally Posted by rockerrick
Au contraire, mon frère, bring your midol, and I'll bring a big appetite.
Might want to refrain from calling me Rockerdick to my face.
Balls in your court now pussy.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
I'll be sure to bring you some feminine napkins appear to be suffering from the same condition as Treetop

Au contraire, mon frère, bring your midol, and I'll bring a big appetite.
Might want to refrain from calling me Rockerdick to my face.
Balls in your court now pussy. Originally Posted by rockerrick
HedonisticFool's Avatar
You trolls take too long to reply...gotta put my phone to charge lol!
HedonisticFool's Avatar
I guess you're done, capital "R" this time, as to not offend.

I admire your moxy, that's why I asked you on a date. I'll pm you prior to my arrival. In the meantime, do Austin a favor, and stay off the highways until you can get your stress under control.

Best wishes,

Still Looking's Avatar
I may or may NOT know what favorite TROLL is being mentioned. IJS
HedonisticFool's Avatar
I'm also going to post your thread in the SA CoEd. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
You took too long to fulfill your claim, so I did it for you. I guess a trolls day just gets too busy. Btw, I offered to bring rockerchic Midol and feminine naps. Just let 'em know if you're in need and he can bring some back to your troll headquarters...


Treetop78759's Avatar
I've quickly gathered you're not liked very much...and fyi, I'm putting that nicely.
Originally Posted by HedonisticFool
Why you you put it nicely? Nobody else does. If you want to play in Austin CoEd then grow some balls and stop being nice.

BTW. The Eccie haters are nothing. At least not yet. Try having to watch your back all the time because a bunch of Chinese dudes want you dead. I'm sure people on Eccie will eventually want that too.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
Why you you put it nicely? Nobody else does. If you want to play in Austin CoEd then grow some balls and stop being nice.

BTW. The Eccie haters are nothing. At least not yet. Try having to watch your back all the time because a bunch of Chinese dudes want you dead. I'm sure people on Eccie will eventually want that too. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Why you you put it nicely?
Nervous? Why you you stuttering? If you're unhappy with me being nice to you, rather than me shove my balls down your throat, be grateful that I am nice to you, while you have to watch your back for the Quik Wok Klan. How many Chinese food delivery guys had you failed to tip, that they now want you dead??

I don't think that any ECCIE haters are pissed or butthurt enough to wish death on anyone...

Dude, you just need to get over yourself. I had a little respect for you when you barked earlier. Now, after a whistle from me, you have your tail tucked up where your balls use to once be.