
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I have had a minor issue in the past month and would like some opinions on the matter. After a provider strips down, engages in various BCD activities, including conversation, and a client cannot perform, is it right for us to refund part of the money? This happened to me last night, and I tried everything to make it work. He was in my room for at least 2 hours. The original amount he quoted was $$$$$$ for 4 hours, but when I looked in the envelope there was only $$$$. After two hours, because he could not perform, he stated there was "no chemistry" and it wasn't working. Why would it take two hours to realize there was no chemistry??? I did refund him one bill, so he ended up paying $$$ for 2 or 3 hours of my time, with my getting a room for the night. Is this right? Is it a provider's fault if a man cannot perform, even if she tried everything in the book???
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
OUCH ...that hurts! I do believe in partial refunds some time but ONLY if the session has a issue. Like *unexpected aunt flow* But if he booked your time and you held up your end he should hold up his. It is NOT your fault or His that he can not perform but you should not be held financially accountable for it. At the end of your day YOUR time is Your Time. As long as you tried different things to get that engine going. He should pay for the gas lol
One policy I have that may have helped in this situation is I do not allow first time clients to book more than a 2 hour session for the first encounter. Because I want to make sure we are compatible. I just tell them lets start with 2 hours and then we will go from there.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
Sounds like he shorted you in more ways than one. If he didn't even bring the agreed upon amount, that raises eyebrows.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-07-2012, 09:50 AM
He was 2 bills short he had his refund.
He was 2 bills short he had his refund. Originally Posted by trey
Yep, what Trey said.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
In similar situations I have offered partial refunds to gentlemen, who usually refuse, but there is absolutely NO responsibility on a provider to do that other than being nice. Since he had already shorted you, I wouldn't have given him back a dang dime. Yes, sometimes the chemistry isn't right, but you weren't making a lackluster effort, and he should have appreciated that. He's the one who reserved that block of time in advance at a set rate, and you kept your part of the bargain to the best of your ability.

here are numerous reasons, like stress, tiredness, too much alcohol, health problems, medications, even a large carb-laden meal just prior, that are involved in performance issues, so hard to pin down his not getting hard due to lack of arousal with a hot, naked woman like you in his bed. Sounds like he was being a prick, or not being one, depending on how you look at it.
Screen_Name's Avatar
He agreed to pay you for your time, didn't he? Then he should honor his commitment. You should be the one that may decide to change the amount. Anything that may have happened or not, is irrelevant...ijs
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Damn, Debbie, that main Showcase photo of you in the black fishnets and leopard print heels arouses ME, and I'm not bi! Nice.
ibechill's Avatar
he had buyers remorse. that happened go me a couple of times.
sucks when the lady doesnt live up to expectations
a guy has from her pics.

why the political correctness.
he wasnt into you once he saw you in person.
he probably should have left as soon as he got there.
cumalot's Avatar
First off it's unclear to me as to you accepting his offer for the 4 hrs...sounds like you didn't count the donation until things progressed...perhaps he knew he shorted you and he was dwelling on that and that's where his guilty conscious got the best of him and caused him not to be able to perform, which could have been alleviated if you had counted the donation in advance...But to answer the question, No I would not have refunded any money...But I do think there is a lesson learned in all of this as well as some policy proceedures for future clients...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
First off it's unclear to me as to you accepting his offer for the 4 hrs...sounds like you didn't count the donation until things progressed...perhaps he knew he shorted you and he was dwelling on that and that's where his guilty conscious got the best of him and caused him not to be able to perform, which could have been alleviated if you had counted the donation in advance...But to answer the question, No I would not have refunded any money...But I do think there is a lesson learned in all of this as well as some policy proceedures for future clients... Originally Posted by cumalot
There are lessons to be learned here, yes, and every negative can be turned into a positive, eventually, but faulting Debbie for not counting the money up front, saying that she could have "alleviated" the problem by doing that, is like saying a home deserves to be burglarized because the thief found a window unlatched. It's faulty cause-and-effect logic that I respectfully disagree with, cumalot.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
he had buyers remorse. that happened go me a couple of times.
sucks when the lady doesnt live up to expectations
a guy has from her pics.

why the political correctness.
he wasnt into you once he saw you in person.
he probably should have left as soon as he got there. Originally Posted by ibechill
But he didn't, and therein lies the crux of the matter. Once he decided to stay he should have honored his entire commitment. You're overlooking the fact that he was ALREADY out to cheat her by not having the agreed upon donation in the envelope. I think buyer's remorse isn't applicable in this situation.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
he had buyers remorse. that happened go me a couple of times.
sucks when the lady doesnt live up to expectations
a guy has from her pics.

why the political correctness.
he wasnt into you once he saw you in person.
he probably should have left as soon as he got there. Originally Posted by ibechill
There seemed to be plenty of chemistry for two hours!! If he wasn't happy after a few minutes, all he had to do was say so.
cumalot's Avatar
Perhaps I've seen too many threads where the counting of the donation was a root of the problem to begin with....I certainly don't want to assess blame to anyone, only an observation and a recomedation...a policy and proceedure might help the op in the future....ijs
I try to be fair, but its harder work when they "can't" get it up. When he left he owed you STILL. That had to be a rough 2 hours sweety. Sorry that happened to you