Right now, I'd vote for anyone not named Bush or Clinton

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And it wouldn't hurt if they'd never even spent the night in Texas.

Just once, I'd like the major parties to actually nominate a candidate during the upcoming process instead of just rubber stamping the anointed one in their party.
Btw, it's past time for the Tea Party to break away already, and for the Dems to kick the extreme lefties out as well. A two-party system is not specified in our constitution and was never meant to be. We'd get a lot more, probably better, stuff done with 3 or 4 parties and actually having to work together to get laws passed.
And it wouldn't hurt if they'd never even spent the night in Texas.

Just once, I'd like the major parties to actually nominate a candidate during the upcoming process instead of just rubber stamping the anointed one in their party.
Btw, it's past time for the Tea Party to break away already, and for the Dems to kick the extreme lefties out as well. A two-party system is not specified in our constitution and was never meant to be. We'd get a lot more, probably better, stuff done with 3 or 4 parties and actually having to work together to get laws passed. Originally Posted by FoulRon
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That leaves Cruz, Paul and Rubio
That leaves Cruz, Paul and Rubio Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yikes... that's a trinity I could definitely do without.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yikes... that's a trinity I could definitely do without. Originally Posted by WombRaider
All of you?
All of you? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I'm not sure I follow.
I'm not sure I follow. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Not a problem!

Most of the time, Lama can't follow himself!
One thing I find funny is how left wing Pundits like Chris Mathews will rail all against the Republicans and their "stale" ideas, and then in the same breath, tout their "candidate with fresh ideas", Hillary Clinton.

Hillary a Clinton...Fresh?? Yeh, about as fresh as a five day old Mxi-Pad.
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  • Seedy
  • 04-22-2015, 05:47 AM
One thing I find funny is how left wing Pundits like Chris Mathews will rail all against the Republicans and their "stale" ideas, and then in the same breath, tout their "candidate with fresh ideas", Hillary Clinton.

Hillary a Clinton...Fresh?? Yeh, about as fresh as a five day old USED Mxi-Pad. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Fixed that slip up for ya Jackie. Lol
That leaves Cruz, Paul and Rubio Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

You forgot Scott Walker, in my opinion, the best candidate of the bunch.

You forgot Scott Walker, in my opinion, the best candidate of the bunch. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
now you may scoff and a short while ago I would have too

but of late I have been thinking about Donald Trump

government inexperience? probably a big plus

yeah I know he's pompous, but that pomposity and pride might just be attributes that would serve us well

due to his pride he couldn't bear to be a failure

just a thought
Trump - Walker ticket.

Both are tough on illegal immigration.

now you may scoff and a short while ago I would have too

but of late I have been thinking about Donald Trump

government inexperience? probably a big plus

yeah I know he's pompous, but that pomposity and pride might just be attributes that would serve us well

due to his pride he couldn't bear to be a failure

just a thought Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Trump - Walker ticket.

Both are tough on illegal immigration. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
could that happen? seems a good ticket to me
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  • Old-T
  • 04-22-2015, 08:44 AM
Trump is a buffoon.