NOTE from SL, Professor SL, TS SL, Troll Man Whore SL

Still Looking's Avatar
First off its good to be back. Are we having fun yet? I hope so. Know this... I am here at this end of the computer laughing my silly ass off. When I stop laughing I'm out of here. I hope you are doing the same.

You'll notice if you have gone back though the Whispers recent polls I have met almost all of the ladies in these polls. What I say here in no way should ever be taken as a personal attack on the person. Many of us here including me are truly different than our hobbyist / Hooker persona's.

JohnnyYankOff, InspectorFarFromNormal don't like Whispers, Rockerrick and myself. We get it. Sadly they serve no purpose on the board but to chase us around and give us shit! They offer nothing. They bump old threADS bumping our posts off the front page thinking they will silence us. Any one with half a brain knows that is not going to happen. In the process they decide who will get to participate in our threADS. This is INSULTING to you the other board members. They demonstrate that you are not intelligent enough to post for your selves. You know what I say? FUCK THEM! The guidelines are in place for all of us. They skirt the guidelines trying to represent you because they obviously think your incompetent!

Any one think ERYN is incompetent or can't post for herself? No... I didn't think so. So join me by voicing your opinion and telling these fucking dip shits that "we" don't need them!

MODS & ADMINS if you simply ask them to stop the SPAM and they don't they are in violation of both threAD hi-jacking when not on topic and disregard for staff instructions! I happen to know the MODS in KCM sure as shit know how that works LOL How about it, let us go back to having fun and EVERYONE participate as they see fit.imagine if a couple three people started clicking on the little triangle at the bottom left to report their insulting behavior!?

fun2come's Avatar

Bumping Old ThreAds .... with my dyslexia, I always read:
Banging Old Thugs ...

May be I need new reading glasses ...
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
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First off its good to be back. Are we having fun yet? I hope so. Know this... I am here at this end of the computer laughing my silly ass off. When I stop laughing I'm out of here. I hope you are doing the same.
I am having fun. I try to have fun when I'm on the internet. Of course, I try NOT to have that fun at the expense of others livelihood.

You'll notice if you have gone back though the Whispers recent polls I have met almost all of the ladies in these polls. What I say here in no way should ever be taken as a personal attack on the person.
So when you belittle a provider's rate or pictures or right to post in Coed, you're just being friendly?

JohnnyYankOff, InspectorFarFromNormal
Sticks and Stones and Lol. So this is again, just you having fun?

don't like Whispers, Rockerrick and myself.
I'll speak only for me: au contraire. I've never met you gents, so I have no basis to like, or dislike, you.

Now, some of the things you all do, I definitely do not like. As a member in good standing I get to voice my displeasure on the board. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?

We get it. Sadly they serve no purpose on the board
I frequently contribute to my fellow members, both information and good cheer. Is that not purpose enough? Is there a guideline that spells this out further for us you might recommend?

but to chase us around and give us shit!
Chase you around? Someone call the WHAAAAAAAAABULANCE! Seriously. You dudes are everywhere. Occasionally our paths cross.

They offer nothing.
See above post (hint: information and good cheer).

They bump old threADS bumping our posts off the front page

And what constitutes an "old" thread? Why shouldn't it be revisited? I would guess ownership would close "old" threads if they didn't want them revisited.

thinking they will silence us.
Hmmmm. It seems to this reader the only one looking to silence another is you. So find you a plus plus size mirror and have a gander.

Any one with half a brain knows that is not going to happen.
Well, goody then. So what's the problem exactly?

In the process they decide who will get to participate in our threADS.
This is serious LOGIC FAIL. Maybe you can explain how me responding to the post I want to respond to is "decid(ing) who will get to participate in our threADS"?

I'll give you three tries for a dollar. Just like at the carnival!

This is INSULTING to you the other board members.
Carnival game or not, I doubt anyone's falling for this claim. It seems to me you're the one insulting them.

They demonstrate that you are not intelligent enough to post for your selves.
I hope every member posts. More and more posts. Especially the "old hookers" that you and your cronies constantly ridicule and try to drive off the board.

You know what I say? FUCK THEM!
Are you still laughing? Are you still having fun? You sound angry. Like tantrum angry. Maybe someone will post a meme?

The guidelines are in place for all of us.
It's a good thing. Oh, btw, how was the ban? I've never had one of those myself. I follow the rules.

They skirt the guidelines trying to represent you because they obviously think your incompetent!
More LOGIC FAIL. Is Whispers co-authoring this post with you? What guidelines are being skirted? How does that mean other members are incompetent? (Who took the damn strawberries?) Tell me you're not rolling ball bearings in your hand while typing this. Please?

Any one think ERYN is incompetent or can't post for herself?
I suppose not. Is this a rhetorical?

No... I didn't think so.

Oh, good. It's a red herring.

So join me by voicing your opinion and telling these fucking dip shits that "we" don't need them!
Name calling is a low form of discourse and can be rude and insulting. Is this how you have fun? Are you still "laughing"?

MODS & ADMINS if you simply ask them to stop the SPAM
No one posts more frequently than you three and I'm the spammer? Lol. I even make full sentences!

and they don't they are in violation of both threAD hi-jacking when not on topic
I stay on topic as a practice. Am I doing okay here so far?

and disregard for staff instructions!
Reminder: you've been BANNED and I have not. Your friends have been BANNED and I have not. Who follows "staff instructions" and who does not?

I happen to know the MODS in KCM sure as shit know how that works LOL
Oh, good! You are laughing. Right?

How about it, let us go back to having fun

FUN!! Yes, I'm for that. Fun and laughter. I'm for that!

and EVERYONE participate as they see fit.
But in this thread you say I don't get to participate. Just like in other threads you say "old whores" don't get to participate. So EVERYONE doesn't mean EVERYONE? What does it mean, just you and your pals?

imagine if a couple three people started clicking on the little triangle at the bottom left to report their insulting behavior!?
You and your friends know what it means -- you've all been BANNED, remember? But I try very hard to NOT be insulting and to stay within the guidelines. That's how I have FUN. Originally Posted by Still Looking
I hate it when a bully cries.
Still Looking's Avatar

Bumping Old ThreAds .... with my dyslexia, I always read:
Banging Old Thugs ...

May be I need new reading glasses ... Originally Posted by fun2come
You're still young. What till you turn 50. That's when the wheels start falling off the wagon. 😂
I hate it when a bully cries. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
artist6338's Avatar
Keep up the good work SL
inspector farquar's Avatar
That first post sure did shrink after JY replied.
Treetop78759's Avatar
SL and Whispers,

I wanted to let you know that I just got through voting. Hope it doesn't upset you two that it took an extra day.
That first post sure did shrink after JY replied. Originally Posted by inspector farquar
Didn't though!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
You're still young. What till you turn 50. That's when the wheels start falling off the wagon. �� Originally Posted by Still Looking
Someone please return my wheel, lost it a few years wonder...I knew SL would " make coed fun again" right on SL, rock on!

russellevans's Avatar
Lol at their brigading. Never seen posters spend so much time trying to save a sinking ship. They will go away eventually (or not depending how boring their life is) and we will continue the discussion without them. Who cares if they control the conversation with boring old threads for a few days. Almost as much desperation there as in the snatch thread haha. Johnny yanks has some good posts but didn't know he would act so brazenly desperate. I always roll my eyes when I see someone saying how they are laughing at the content but seeing all those old threads on p2 and 3 with the last post by these losers was actually funny. Maybe we can get them to keep things lively here all year round. Seems like they have the time.
Still Looking's Avatar
IB? Did you hear that? I can't believe it... surely you heard it as well?

Bumping Old ThreAds .... with my dyslexia, I always read:
Banging Old Thugs ...

May be I need new reading glasses ... Originally Posted by fun2come

😂😂bumping old thugs? 😂😂😂you're hilarious F2C
Still Looking's Avatar
😂😂bumping old thugs? 😂😂😂you're hilarious F2C Originally Posted by Dara-Malaika
Dara....Did you hear that? I can't believe it... do you hear the birds?