Why so many females with zero posts?

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Every now and then, I'll decide to check and see if I've missed any new ECCIE providers in my neck of the woods. I'll go to the Member List, click on Advanced Search, and enter as my criteria Female and Location:Worth. The latter is to account for people who enter "Ft Worth," "Ft. Worth," "Fort Worth," and any other references to that city that use "Worth."

Then I'll click on the Join Date header twice so that the most recent joinees show first. Invariably -- and, although I'm looking at newbies first, it holds throughout subsequent pages -- there are a veritable ton of women who have signed up and have never posted. I haven't tried other cities, but I have no reason to suspect it's not the same there.

What's going on? What's the purpose behind so many (ostensible) women signing up, and then not posting anything? No WW posts, no ads, no dicussions, no nothing. Unless they're depending on someone like me doing what I did, they can't be expecting any additional business or publicity. I'm bumfuzzled. Or maybe the Fireball has me bumfuzzled, and it'll be clearer in the morning. Probably not, though, 'cuz I have wondered about this for a long time.

Any ideas?
Boltfan's Avatar
Because eccie is mostly assholes. They see the bullshit and decide it isnt worth it. Between the board allowing predators like wile e coyote and the constant barrage in the welcome wagon maybe not all money is good money.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
While I agree that there are a lot of eight-letter-word-for-idiots here, I'm not yet convinced that that's a valid explanation. There's nothing they can see by joining that they couldn't see from outside before they joined. And you know how bulletproof 20-somethings are: Even if they saw a bunch of sharks waiting to devour them on their first post, a good portion of them would think, "Oh, but they'll be nice to me." But there are literally hundreds of women who sign up and don't post anything, ever. Guys, I can see: They can get the information they need without participating. I think there may be something different here, but I don't know what it is.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Maybe some get cold feet? They think providing is the golden ticket and just never follow through with it. I know 1 lady that changed her mind as soon as she joined. I know another lady that changed her mind after her WW post.
wives looking for their husbands ?
Has paranoia set in?
Has LE got you spooked?
Has the early attacks in WW took it's toll?
Has the barrage of PMs asking questions overwhelm them?
Has the girls exposing their pimps, scared them?
Has the haggling over rates discouraged them?
Has the OPENLY ADVERTISED BB scared them?
Are pimps and le setting up disposable accounts?
Do they think ECCIE is becoming a sewer?
CG2014's Avatar
I'm sure there are as many reasons as there are girls who have done it: one size does not fit all. Why would this make you curious? Black helicopters are just black helicopters.
Write her and see...She had a recent logon. Some of these could be a fake handles too. I have actually found two UTR gems that were inactive for a while. I wrote them and although it took them several months to respond, we linked up a few times. The two in particular were dancers at one time and were interested in eccie, but never followed through. They text me and I sweet talked them into a few sessions.

Like this one:

https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=432912 Originally Posted by CG2014
TinMan's Avatar
First of all, happy new year, Lance! May 2018 bring tons of hot women to the Westoplex!

Are these handles mostly verified, or at least age-verified? If not, my cynical guess would be it’s pimps setting up accounts awaiting chicks to assign to the handles.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
There probably is no single answer. Some never sign on again, some have most recent signons within just a few days of their signup, and some continue to sign on. I was just wondering if there was something I was missing.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Pimps create the profiles as a place Holder first and then go on recruiting... this way the profile wont look brand new when they start...
Grace Preston's Avatar
Sometimes its a matter of planning on touring in an area where a board is dominant, then never touring. There are a couple of boards out there where I'm sure I have a profile but no posts.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Pimps create the profiles as a place Holder first and then go on recruiting... this way the profile wont look brand new when they start... Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
That makes some sense.
TinMan's Avatar
Here is something interesting. I just followed Lance’s instructions, and all the ladies with zero posts since joining in the last year had their age verified. That indicates someone provided proof of age.

So, are the pimps providing the necessary documentation, then letting a lot of time elapse to where the mods won’t remember if the girl that finally “posts” was the one for which they received age verification?

If so, that’s a real problem for guys who are relying on “Age verified-awaiting VP” as an indication it’s safe to assume the girl is 18+.