Ladies: All about the Money??

How many of you (women) have ever considered giving a freebee to a well established client that you truly enjoyed spending time with?
I'm gonna guess...NONE! ;-)
I'm gonna guess more than NONE, but still a relatively small number. I can tell you that it has happened to me, but with a provider I had done personal favors for and had been seeing for several years who is no longer in the business. And it may be NONE that will admit to it because it might create an expectation from current clients.
CuriousMe's Avatar
I think I hear what you are saying Angela. I'll use the ole quote from that show Dumb&Dumber, "So you're telling me there's a chance"
Once. He is one hell of a hottie and saw me three times inside of a week when I first went independent. After the third visit that week he asked me to dinner. I couldn't resist. We still see each other regularly. He buys me expensive presents (the latest was a pair of diamond earrings for Valentine's Day), is generous with his cash, and is a hell of a lay. I can say that it won't happen again with another client though. I enjoy what I do but my FWB spot is filled. Of course now that I look back on the situation it seems more like a sd/sb thing.
growler's Avatar
lol, It does happen. But it's rare.
I have enjoyed the freebie just a handful of times over the years, but let's face many times in our professional lives have we given our clients free service or product.

Perhaps a small sample to convince our client that our service/product is worth their investment...but only if we feel it leads to a large purchase or engagement of our services.

But heck, take it when it comes and enjoy and appreciate , lol
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ive done it a few times due to his skills
...but with a provider I had done personal favors for... Originally Posted by ez2plz
Don't mean to "split hairs", ez, but if you've done something for them and this is their payback to you, then it's not necessarily free. Heck, is sex with your wife or SO even considered a "freebie"?

Ive done it a few times due to his skills Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
SNL... FYI, I have skills, too! Just sayin'... LOL
Sweet N Little's Avatar
SNL... FYI, I have skills, too! Just sayin'... LOL Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
I will have to be the judge of that.
This one time went so well, I blurted out "during" ...No charge!!!
Alright Angela.................I will do you for free so stop asking already!
noleftturn's Avatar
Back in 2004 I met a well-known provider at another provider's residence. We all talked and when I left I asked if I could see her the next day. She agreed and I showed up only to have her daughter show up 5 minutes after I arrived. We all talked again and I left 30 minutes later. No donation had been given yet. I called later that day and she asked if I could come by the next day. I told her yes and this time we had a great date. I had put the donation on the bedside table. I went to the bathroom and then came back to get dressed. When I got to my car I reached in my pocket for my keys and my donation was there. I called her and told her I was sorry I forgot to leave it and I would be right up to give it to her. She told me she put it back in my pocket. She also told me to comeback anytime. YES I DID. She never told my why just she liked me and wanted to be friends with benefits.
I have enjoyed the freebie just a handful of times over the years, but let's face many times in our professional lives have we given our clients free service or product.

Perhaps a small sample to convince our client that our service/product is worth their investment...but only if we feel it leads to a large purchase or engagement of our services. Originally Posted by vkmaster

Very smart VK, no wonder I like you.

What I give my clients is between us. If I, we providers started telling what we do for certain clients then other clients are going to want the same thing given to them.
I did it a couple of times. Only to regret it. The one married guy got freaked out because he "officially" cheated on his wife. He never considered paying for it to be cheating LOL! So I ended up losing a regular client because he felt so guilty (to his wife) for meeting me for free. I don't need to be treated like that. I'm not a mistress, my time is money. Lesson learned. The second time was with a man who I felt had husband potential!! But he treated me bad. I think because of my escorting history he thought he could get away with treating me like crap. He was WRONG. If anything, my tolerence for crap is at an all time low. I got rid of him and left him in the dust. He wasn't happy about that but goes to show him you can't treat me like crap and get away with it. Ha Ha Ha