Houston Ladies on Twitter

thor66's Avatar
Maybe I'm just late to the party, but I've been wondering why more ladies don't have Twitter accounts for gents to follow ("hobby Twitter accounts" to be more precise)?

Guys love to follow their favorite ATFs fun pics. I could see this as something that could stir up new and repeat meetings, since guys love the anticipation! Not the real life pics ladies (we aren't talking about stalker material here).

I wanted to use this thread as an opportunity for ladies to share their Twitter handle

And if someone by the name of Thornton requests to follow, that's me
Are you @Thornton ?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Just my personal opinion, as many providers successfully embrace Twitter as part of their marketing, but seems like a bad idea to use social media to backdoor promote an activity still considered illegal in most locales. Another trail to be traced, unless ladies are very careful and circumspect in their posts. Same with Facebook.

Or maybe I just haven't caught up with the times? Call me old-fashioned Fancy, yet without the Internet, I wouldn't be doing this.

Amazing how computer technology really has affected every walk of life, even streetwalking.
thor66's Avatar
Are you @Thornton ? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P

Most ladies have websites and pseudonym emails for hobby related things. I would hope everyone's Twitter is set up the same way.

I've been seeing a few Vimeo videos in ads lately, which is
Great. Thx!

Fishpie's Avatar
Just my personal opinion, as many providers successfully embrace Twitter as part of their marketing, but seems like a bad idea to use social media to backdoor promote an activity still considered illegal in most locales. Another trail to be traced, unless ladies are very careful and circumspect in their posts. Same with Facebook.

Or maybe I just haven't caught up with the times? Call me old-fashioned Fancy, yet without the Internet, I wouldn't be doing this.

Amazing how computer technology really has affected every walk of life, even streetwalking.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Yea you're old fashioned. We're already pass the days of The Silk Road (plz no infraction) and you're worried about hobby topics on social media. Even though you don't need to do all the super duper e1337 hacker skillz it helps to use the privacy settings and the right security features on whatever device you use.
I do have a Twitter but I think the numbers are few on both sides. Follow me @riversongtx
sexy.princess's Avatar
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
My twitter is @texfuncamgirl..
Daisey Wilks's Avatar
Richiej281's Avatar
Wow there are a lot of y'all....
Wow there are a lot of y'all.... Originally Posted by Richiej281
I'm following a few of the lovely ladies commenting. I use it for updates on my schedule, humor, video clips, etc. ( @Eva_Damita )