Spring Break Vaca/Work- Nassau Bay?

EvanMoore's Avatar
Gentleman, I was thinking of coming for a visit during Spring Break (March 11-15) but want to make it a Vacation/Work trip so I'm interested in staying over by Nassau Bay (love the water) which is also close to the Houston Space Center (yes I want to visit the space center!)

The reason for my post is that I would like to see if this would be a good area to visit for work. How likely are you guys to come see me out there? Looking at the map, it seems that Friendswood, Pearland, and Santa Fe are all close. Thanks!
I will be offering a Pre-Booking Special if booked by March 9th!

Thanks for all your kind support in advance!

TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
I don't want to drive there. Stick with the Galleria area.
loveitdou's Avatar
Good Luck I think it is too far but that's just me.

I used to go out to NASA from Conroe which is a haul, I'd drive for an hour and then I'd see that little overhead sign that said NASA 10 miles, I'd a made a U turn if it hadn't on the freeway. IJS
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Good area for Nasa and possibly Galveston tourism, not so much for the Hobby, however, and you would be on Clear Lake, not the ocean. (That might be a deciding factor for me, as I love the sea and beaches.) Too long a drive, and the population centers mentioned aren't that dense and don't sustain those providers actually living nearby, much less traveling ladies. Irish luck in lust anyway!
Which is more important the vacation or work aspect of the trip? If vacation stick to your location. I think they have built a few new hotels near 45 and NASA Rd 1, but freeway construction is going which makes it a hell of a journey. Now if work is more important or even 50:50 stay inside the beltway.
EvanMoore's Avatar
Thanks everyone for your feedback I think I'll take my chances though, I was able to book a private apt in the area which is always nice. Also I already have a few great clients around the area just wanted to get a feel for everyone else. Thank again! Have a wonderful weekend!

Fancy your right it's just a lake not beach but I'm taking a beach vaca in May so the lake will do for now
