Everyone could use a hug ...

  • OFF
  • 06-30-2010, 04:05 PM
I saw this today and loved it.
We argue and say a lot of hurtful things on this Board.
But earnestly, encouragement goes much further.
Everyone could use a hug ...


OFF :-)
  • PT4ME
  • 06-30-2010, 04:33 PM
........... the chick in the orange top was kinda "hot"!!!

LOL, ...... very nice OFF, if you look at the end there are several other "related videos". Neat idea, dunno if you could pull it off in downtown anywhere USA......

  • OFF
  • 06-30-2010, 04:37 PM
I think you could ... you would have to be willing to go through a lot of rejection.

OFF :-)
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
And they got plenty...at least, at first. Sometimes, however, there's nothing like pissing around, either. But Lord knows, Gonzo is fully aware of what a bitch karma is, so here's a big hug for everyone on eccie.net!!!
daty/o's Avatar
I stumbled on this a while back and I think the free hug thing is awsome! I did get my hug today
One of my favorite people, Amma, the hugging saint:


"For the past 35 years Amma has dedicated her life to the uplifting of suffering humanity through the simplest of gestures – an embrace. In this intimate manner Amma had blessed and consoled more than 25 million people throughout the world.
When someone asked Amma why she receives every person who comes to her in a loving embrace Amma replied, “ If you ask the river,' why do you flow?' what can it say?”
Amma spends most of her waking hours receiving the distressed and all who come to her for comfort, day after day without a break.
Once a press reporter asked Amma how was it possible for her to embrace each and every one in the same loving way, even if they were diseased or unpleasant. Amma replied, “ When a bee hovers over a garden of varied flowers, what it beholds is not the difference between the flowers but the honey within them. Similarly Amma sees the same Supreme Self in each and every one.”

Great post!!
You are just the best off. Sending you lots of hugs my love.
OldGrump's Avatar
Thanks Tara. Hugs are one of my favorite things. That was a beautiful presentation.

Did you notice that, in spite of several refusals, they kept smiling? That is the power of the hugs they did get.
cookie man's Avatar
OFF when I first say the title of the thread, I just KNEW it was going to be about hugging chicks with big titties! But you surprised me you big softie you. That is such a great song.
  • OFF
  • 07-01-2010, 02:38 PM
... you surprised me you big softie you. That is such a great song. Originally Posted by cookie man
Sending you lots of hugs my love. Originally Posted by Tara Evans

I guess I am a softie and as such I often find myself on what most think is the "wrong side of the argument". But I have been blessed with the opportunity to help many, many needy people during my lifetime and sometimes it is by the smallest kindnesses that their lives are touched the most deeply.

That said, Tara, thanks for hugs and love. You too are very kind and loved!

OFF :-)
  • MRMR
  • 07-01-2010, 03:14 PM
Great post as always.
Hugs to all. (Maybe I can get a group hug next time I am around a group of the Ladies from here).
BTW, May each of you have a safe and wonderful 4th.
That was awesome! Brought a tear to my eye for sure. I would LOVE to do what they did...offer free hugs.

This day and time people are so stressed and uptight about so many things...hugs are just nice.

Thanks for this OFF! I hope to get to hug you sometime in the near future!
What is this shit...!?! Hugs?!! I've got your feckin hug right here!

Feck this shit! What's next...? World peace!? An end to famine and squalor?! Bah! Let's get back to the three D's: death, destruction and debauchery!
  • OFF
  • 07-02-2010, 07:30 AM
What is this shit...!?! Hugs?!! I've got your feckin hug right here! Feck this shit! What's next...? World peace!? An end to famine and squalor?! Bah! Let's get back to the three D's: death, destruction and debauchery! Originally Posted by Neotek
I thought you were retired! :-)