Pimp vs. "Management"

notdeadyet's Avatar
What's the difference, other than that we think of pimps as nasty people with really loud clothes and even louder cars, who operate in a sleazy environment and abuse their girls? If a pimp is a business manager who treats his girls well (Okay -- that may not be too likely), is he/she no longer a "pimp" but simply the "management" that provides incall facilities, answers the phone, makes appts, etc?
I think it's hilarious that you would say he is the one who provides the incall location, etc. when it's HER MONEY paying for EVERYTHING. I wouldn't want some dude answering my calls and making my appointments! PUH-LEEZE! Providing is not rocket science. It's a pain in the ass sometimes, but pimps, managers, whatever you want to call 'em, are worthless and unnecessary. Oh and I also love how they are supposed to be 'protection' or 'security'. What a joke!

It doesn't matter if they are treating their girls well or not. A pimp is a pimp is a pimp. If you aren't doing the sucking or fucking, but you are taking money for it like you did, you are a PIMP. Start slingin' some cock and make your own damn money.

If a girl needs help with appointments, ads, screening, then call The Rebecca and skip the pimp BS.
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
A pimp is a pimp is a pimp. Originally Posted by Dannie
pimp n a cheap-ass, bullying, low-life sleaze-ball with no redeeming qualities or societal worth whatsoever who makes a "living" abusing women and/or underage girls and forcing them to engage in sexual acts for money that he then pockets. May try to disguise his complete worthlessness by calling himself a "manager". Is likely overly impressed by the big two-inch he packs in his pants.
notdeadyet's Avatar
I think it's hilarious that you would say he is the one who provides the incall location, etc. when it's HER MONEY paying for EVERYTHING. . Originally Posted by Dannie
But that's the case with any service provider and the client. Sports and movie agents come to mind. Of course, they might well be considered pimps.

[/quote]A pimp is a pimp is a pimp. If you aren't doing the sucking or fucking, but you are taking money for it like you did, you are a PIMP. Start slingin' some cock and make your own damn money. If a girl needs help with appointments, ads, screening, then call The Rebecca and skip the pimp BS.[/quote]

That is really the question that I was asking. For example, is a studio or an agency or The Rebecca (whatever that is), a "pimp" simply because it/she/whatever is making money off the provider for services rendered?

I posed this question because, it seems to me, that a lot of providers get fried on the board because someone says "she has a pimp" when the agency/studio/booking-ad-phone service is doing some of the same things.

So, maybe the term "pimp" should be restricted to the sleazy lowlifes, and "management" (what a funny term) should apply to more structured, less-invasive business arrangements.
When you say "Pimp" I think it implies some sort of control over the person being pimped. Be it emotional, physical or just some kind of mental control "Pimps" are all about control. That being said, I think that the word "manager" probably is used in many instances as a thinly veiled attempt at avoiding the negative connotations of the word "Pimp."

Something to think about though, do you consider Dennis Hoff a pimp or a manager? I have no thoughts either way, just curious what everyone else thinks. Im sure he was a pimp at some point in his career though!
OldGrump's Avatar
DEET provides pretty good protection from ticks. I wonder....same concept.
Having worked at the Bunny Ranch, YES, Hoff is a PIMP. I won't even go any further than that, but HELL TO THE YES. So is that bitch Madam Suzette.

Rebecca and various screening agencies are different because at the end of the day, they don't have a 'quota' for providers....they take a WAAAAAY smaller cut from your appointments than a PIMP or so called manager, there are no daily quotas, since I would still be in control of MY business...MY being the operative word there......the provider is still in control of her own business, etc. Manager, pimp, however you would like to dress it up, it's all the same. I'll be good and G*Damned the day a man or anyone else for that matter, tells me how to run/manage my pussy, esp. considering he/she has not a MFking thing to do with it.

If I elect to hire a lady to screen for me (pimps/managers don't care, they just want their share...ALL OF IT), for a reasonable working fee since it IS a lot of work to screen and run ads, then that is MY choice. I can't see Rebecca or anyone else for that matter, calling a provider and telling her what she needs to be doing. The difference being, I keep the money I work so hard for.
That's just me though.

And, for the record, I have no affiliation with The Rebecca or any other screening service or agency....I'm way too stingy with my money and I like being in control of my screening, but I would totally utilize her services because of her impeccable reputation and standards. If I ever got that lazy

Again, providing is not feckin' (<<HA!) rocket science, so I really don't see what the need for a manager is. This job is trying at times, but it does not take a genius to figure it out, which is probably why pimps are so successful.
TexTushHog's Avatar
If you aren't doing the sucking or fucking, but you are taking money for it like you did, you are a PIMP. Originally Posted by Dannie
There has to be a better test than that. Otherwise the accountant that fills out a provider's tax return is a pimp. Or the attorney who helps her if she's busted. Or the guy at the grocery store who sells her pork chops.
pyramider's Avatar
You are just pork product biased.
Saturn's Avatar
no difference between the two. They take the Providers money just as easily.
Management only takes half the money and provides the location.

Pimps - Boy Friend takes most the money and just provide head games or headaches.
Funny thing I have noticed over the years in the gender bias. If a woman owns an agency, Like Gina, Summer, Julie, etc.. they are managers or agency owners. If a guy does the exact same thing, he is a pimp. I have known many agency owners.

Frankly, the men who own straight up agencies treated the ladies better during and after their employment with the agencies that the women.

No blanket statement covers it all. Dennis Hoff is a liar and far too many girls have bad things to say about his business practices.

Agencies are nice because you screen once, fuck many. I use them almost exclusively when hobbying out of town.
Interesting, I was wondering the same thing. Part of MY revenue goes to people who support MY generating revenue. Pimps?? Don't think they would appreciate being called that....

I would love to keep ALL of the revenue and not share, I have that choice I guess. Doubt that as much revenue would be generated though. AND I would have to perform tasks that I don't enjoy doing. If I had to do everything, I'd be an angry fecker most of the time.

Pimps/managers/support? In hobbyland, synonymous much of the time IMHO.
It is merely semantics. We all know the negatives that come with the word pimp; control, drugs, beatings, have to work no matter, no choice, all money taken given to pimp. We associate them more with street walkers on crystal. Willing to do anything to get a fix.
We also all know the definition of a manager and or assistant. A person that handles phone calls, helps with ads, screening...is paid a set amount weekly. Does not call the shots or tell the provider what to do when or where.
I feel for the gals that are herded around from city to city and set up in a hotel while their pimps advertise them individually on this site or others. Men take a look...when the providers you are seeing are all located in the same hotel...your feeding a pimp.
Would I like a well educated man/lady to help me with ads marketing etc you bet. Would I pay them to do that...of courses I would. I want to spend my time doing what I like and that is providing!
Duffman's Avatar
What about a provider that imports new girls? Would that be pimpin or is it just a male title?