Panties For Sale!

Thought I might share another story with y'all ...

Went shopping in Target one day with the late DragonAss. While browsing in the aisle of small kitchen appliances, I noticed a Seal-a-Meal vacuum food storage machine. It ends up in the buggy with a box of the bags and some shipping envelopes, then we moved to the checkout lanes.

I explained to DragonAss what the intentions were. I wanted to make a little money selling worn panties. It couldn't hurt to try!

After getting home, DragonAss helped to take a few pics. Great guy!

I posted the ad & pics on CraigsList (didn't know where else to list the goodies), then waited ... and waited ... and waited ...

Hhmmm. Ok, I reposted the ad & pics again. It goes on and on for the next couple of weeks. No responses. I eventually gave up and packed the Seal-a-Meal into it's box.

Sooooo ... Christmas rolls around and I'm trying to figure out what to get for Mom. As I'm standing in front of the kitchen pantry and looking at the collection of cookbooks on the shelves, I noticed the Seal-a-Meal next to them. Nevermind the idea of fresh baked cookies!

I pulled out the gift wrap paper and bundled the box of storage baggies with the Seal-a-Meal (panties not included). Ta Da!

She loved it!

Curious about Seal-a-Meal? Click Here!
CoHorn's Avatar
I haven't used mine for panties, but I do use it frequently.

BTW, I sure do miss DA
I'm surprised DragonAss didn't offer to purchase them as a lot! He was always absconding with a pair.

That was too funny. Great job on the re-gifting idea!
dodger's Avatar
The amusing thing to me is, you (Shea) seem to think the sort of person interested in buying used panties from a strange woman (not as bad as it sounds) ... cares if the panties are hermetically sealed!!!!

Now .. if the promotion included a personal delivery, different matter entirely.

Sound far fetched? When Playboy started out, and for several years after, they sold a lifetime subscription and the first issue was personally delivered by a Playmate of the Month. Probably Janet Pilgrim, who was Playmate 3 times in the early years and worked in the circulation department, too.

LazurusLong's Avatar

MUCH better place to sell things like that. Amazing the things one can buy and sell there.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-06-2010, 07:48 AM
Shea, as I was reading I was thinking you were going to say you re-gifted to your Mom and had forgotten the hermetically sealed panties were in the box... :O I was happy for your sake...and well Mom's, that you didn't include them.

there is a use for the Seal a Meal I have not thought of....

I just use mine for BBQ....

Silly me.

And yes, Dodger, those who purchase panties of the worn variety do care that they are sealed. Preserves the essence.

Essence of Shea - bottle that and you'll make a fortune.

...and I'll take every bottle.
Haha! If only Seal-A-Meal had considered this as part of their marketing.

Also, I miss that guy.
In Japan, the used panties are sold boxed in vending machines (approximately $50). I don't know if they're sealed in plastic inside the box though.

Here's a picture:

And a Snopes link saying it's true:
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I thought that panties were already "Seal-A-Meal"..........