Is it time for a third party?

Rogue_Gent's Avatar
listening to the shrill firestorm against The Donald from the Left and the silence from the Right, I noted the undercurrent of dread from the G.O.P. "Don't piss off the Donald or he will run as an independent and this will result in a Democrat presidency".

Maybe it's time for a third party.

1) The Democrat party, increasingly, is held hostage by the African-American agenda, the gay agenda, the illegal immigration agenda and the radical, man-hating feminist agenda.

2) The Republican party is held hostage by the Religious Right and their anti-abortion, anti-Planned Parenthood, anti gay marriage, Wall Street, and the "destroy the safety-net" agenda.

Where does this leave the Middle-of-the-road, middle-class, moderate, middle American? Someone who wants the underclass to have access to birth control, who wants reasonable restrictions on immigration, someone who doesn't want to empty the prisons, someone who doesn't give a damn if gay's can marry, someone who doesn't want Social Security in the hands of Wall Street, who wants reasonable regulation of banks, and a foreign policy that doesn't try to be the policeman of the world but concentrates attention on threats to America?

I don't see anyone but Trump who is even close.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump is a fucking asshole. But I agree it's time for a third or even fourth major party.

Where the fuck are the Librarians?
I always vote in the primary for whatever 3 rd party has the best chance of becoming a threat. I figure with 3 party's the middle one will comprise the most normal people.
Lets do this 3rd party thing...

Many people don’t like him, an entire professional apparatus needs to see him removed, because what Donald Trump is doing is the beginning of what needs to be done. Tear down the entire construct of the Professional Political Class in Washington DC….. and people are catching on.

trump ivankaFor those who are on the fence; those watching the blood sport of politics for the first time; or those who are unfamiliar with Reagan’s 1978 insurgency, it might seem disconcerting to have a CEO move in and begin to destroy decades of political self interest.

Fear not, and remember – WHAT IS THERE TO LOSE?

Unless the entire construct is torn up, you will have Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush on your ballot choice in November 2016. Hillary because that’s what the Dem’s want, Jeb because that’s what the GOP want – Both because that’s what Wall Street wants.

As a consequence, while you are sitting in the coliseum observing the bludgeoning, comfort yourself in the knowledge there’s nothing to lose here. There is no downside.

If Trump and the Trumpeters are unsuccessful – you’ve still got Hillary and Jeb to vote for, which is the exact same outcome you would have if the wrecking never began. Continue reading →

Isn't the Tea party the third party?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nah, I'va, the Tea Party hasn't got the cojones to stand on its own.

They stand FOR nothing, and AGAINST everything, regardless of who proposes it.

Nothing but a bunch of ignorant lemmings bought and paid for by the Koch brothers.

They should sack up and establish themselves as a legitimate third party, but NOOOOOO....
  • DSK
  • 08-09-2015, 11:51 AM
Trump is a fucking asshole. But I agree it's time for a third or even fourth major party.

Where the fuck are the Librarians? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I agree it is time for a third and fourth party to get major votes.

My suggestions for the third and fourth party:

The Liberal Party for Intelligent People and the Mexican-American Justice Party. I hope they get millions of votes and educate people.
  • shanm
  • 08-09-2015, 12:05 PM
I consider myself to be middle as well. I call it being socially liberal and fiscally conservative.

However, no way in hell would I consider someone like Trump as a front-runner for that party. He is an arch typical republican with a slightly louder mouth.
I agree it is time for a third and fourth party to get major votes.

My suggestions for the third and fourth party:

The Liberal Party for Intelligent People and the Mexican-American Justice Party. I hope they get millions of votes and educate people. Originally Posted by DSK
"The Liberal Party for Intelligent People..... " They don't HAVE any intelligent people. Just look at woomby and assup for examples of their "Intelligence" . That party could never be formed from the Libs bleating sheep.
I agree it is time for a third and fourth party to get major votes.

My suggestions for the third and fourth party:

The Liberal Party for Intelligent People and the Mexican-American Justice Party. I hope they get millions of votes and educate people. Originally Posted by DSK
If you check there are a lot of parties now.
Need House and Senate term limits way more than a 3rd party president...
Need House and Senate term limits way more than a 3rd party president... Originally Posted by royamcr
Boom. You hit the nail on the head. People always want to talk about the founding fathers and what their intentions were. Their intentions were not for people to be lifelong politicians. Term limits would have great effect in checking the executive branch.
  • DSK
  • 08-09-2015, 08:40 PM
Boom. You hit the nail on the head. People always want to talk about the founding fathers and what their intentions were. Their intentions were not for people to be lifelong politicians. Term limits would have great effect in checking the executive branch. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are right again!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed, but I see Congressional term limits strengthening the executive branch rather than checking it.

That said, four terms for Congress and three for Senate.

it could work.
Agreed, but I see Congressional term limits strengthening the executive branch rather than checking it.

That said, four terms for Congress and three for Senate.

it could work. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't. It would serve to eliminate those who do what it takes to get elected and instead do what is in the best interest of the country. It would also help to sever the relationship between big business and government by letting corporations know they can't simply buy a congressman and keep him in office for decades. Term limits are likely the only way something like SS will ever get fixed. It's a topic that no one wants to touch because they're constantly in election mode.