
Articles of Impeachment are being drawn up to add to calls for use of the 25th Amendment. Which is interesting since the Senate would never take it up in time for his removal. Political stunt? Possibly, but I think there’s a different rationale for impeaching him. Since 100+ House members went along with the stunt, it’s to put those house members on the record supporting Trump’s actions again. The impeachment wouldn’t really be aimed Trump but instead at the members of the House who would have to vote against impeaching a president riled up a mob and led his followers to attack the US Capital Building in order to try to overturn an election.

What argument would those congressman be able to make in defending Trump’s actions?

It’s a pretty good vise against the ReTrumplicans. I think, and it doesn’t matter if it works or not. The votes will be there for every ad in 2022. And since Trump won’t be on the ballot in 2022 some of those seats might be in trouble. It’s a shrewd play.

Best part of it is that Schumer can talk about it but never bring it to the senate for trial. And Trump will be gone, possibly having the unique distinction of having been impeached 2x. The history books will love him and his hold over the party would be completely destroyed.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Articles of Impeachment are being drawn up to add to calls for use of the 25th Amendment. Which is interesting since the Senate would never take it up in time for his removal. Political stunt? Possibly, but I think there’s a different rationale for impeaching him. Since 100+ House members went along with the stunt, it’s to put those house members on the record supporting Trump’s actions again. The impeachment wouldn’t really be aimed Trump but instead at the members of the House who would have to vote against impeaching a president riled up a mob and led his followers to attack the US Capital Building in order to try to overturn an election.

What argument would those congressman be able to make in defending Trump’s actions?

It’s a pretty good vise against the ReTrumplicans. I think, and it doesn’t matter if it works or not. The votes will be there for every ad in 2022. And since Trump won’t be on the ballot in 2022 some of those seats might be in trouble. It’s a shrewd play.

Best part of it is that Schumer can talk about it but never bring it to the senate for trial. And Trump will be gone, possibly having the unique distinction of having been impeached 2x. The history books will love him and his hold over the party would be completely destroyed. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

OK counselor, take your best shot. Prove to the jury that Trump supporting the actions that took place. Did he say "attack" the capital? Or did he encourage people to protest, to air their grievances just like Cuomo told his audience that protests are perfectly legal, they are as American as apple pie, "who says protestors are supposed to be polite and peaceful"? said Cuomo. If I'm the opposing council, you can bet, if the judge would allow it, I would be playing all the clips that Fox News is now playing of Democrats doing exactly what Trump did, call for protests.

But hey if you can pull, how did you put it to me, "exactly" the words that would prove your case that Trump didn't just call for a protest but told his followers to attack the capital, lets hear them.

And no one knows what we will be talking about in 2022 but I have a pretty good idea it won't have anything to do with Trump. It will be what Democrats did after they took power. If the economy is in shambles because Joe Biden couldn't get Covid under control like he promised or the unemployment problem leads us into an actual depression aided by things Democrats did like passing laws that clearly exacerbated to economic problems? Will they be able to convince the people it was all Trumps fault?
America will soon be smart again
If the House did decide to impeach, there might be enough cover your ass Republicans voting to convict simply because once convicted, President Trump would be prohibited from running for Political Office again.
The big problem is after the smoke clears from al of this mess, there will still be possibly 40 million die hard Trump fans who will remember. That is a sizable voting block.
Articles of Impeachment are being drawn up to add to calls for use of the 25th Amendment. Which is interesting since the Senate would never take it up in time for his removal. Political stunt? Possibly, but I think there’s a different rationale for impeaching him. Since 100+ House members went along with the stunt, it’s to put those house members on the record supporting Trump’s actions again. The impeachment wouldn’t really be aimed Trump but instead at the members of the House who would have to vote against impeaching a president riled up a mob and led his followers to attack the US Capital Building in order to try to overturn an election.

What argument would those congressman be able to make in defending Trump’s actions?

It’s a pretty good vise against the ReTrumplicans. I think, and it doesn’t matter if it works or not. The votes will be there for every ad in 2022. And since Trump won’t be on the ballot in 2022 some of those seats might be in trouble. It’s a shrewd play.

Best part of it is that Schumer can talk about it but never bring it to the senate for trial. And Trump will be gone, possibly having the unique distinction of having been impeached 2x. The history books will love him and his hold over the party would be completely destroyed. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Articles of Impeachment what a joke. Biden will be sworn in in less than two weeks. They should start articles of impeachment on Biden for being incompetent.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's just another dumbass show.
The allegation is that Trump incited the crowd to attack the capital. Did he? I don’t believe from a criminal legal point that he did. Has his actions been a violation of his oath of office in filing up a crowd and pointing them at the capital to prevent his loss from being certified, possibly. Was that faithful executing the laws of the US, it doesn’t seem so.

I didn’t watch his or his kids speeches and came out of a deposition to see that the Capital being breached. So I’m not really able to get into the factual basis for the allegations but I suspect based on the speeches of those yesterday there must have been some things said. I suppose were the House to move for impeachment they’d have to make that explanation. Will building an argument on parsing his words matter while everyone, even right wing media is condemning him.

Strategically it’s a smart move just to jam some House members. And for the “good” republicans, it’ll allow them to take back control of the GOP machine that’s currently been co-opted by Trump.

As for 22, if left up to Trump, he will be attempting to be relevant or at least Jr. or Ivanka might want a political opportunity and desire to control or punish the party (I suspect the jr wants to do so). Trump doesn’t wanna let this go but maybe after yesterday he might have burned down his own house. Even Fox and Friends wasn’t apologists for him this morning.
Hell, Fox has even started saying there’s no proof of widespread voter fraud to support Trumps claim. Britt Hume looked pained to admit that on yesterday and said all elections have irregularities but they rarely result in more than a few hundred votes. Even Lindsey Graham basically had to come forth and admit that no one could provide any proof of the allegations made for him to review. Next thing ya know Fox will be saying that it was a false claim by Trump (I suppose in an attempt to undo the lie).

If Republicans go along with a speedy impeachment it would be to prevent a 2024 run, even as a third party.
txdot-guy's Avatar
It's just another dumbass show. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

Maybe so but I would pay to see it.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Because they dont want to do anything else.

Waste your time and tax dollars and say they are busy

You people are so stupid it should be painful
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I vote my simply putting the orange headed bastard in a body bag and take his ass out and throw in in the nearest landfill
HedonistForever's Avatar
The allegation is that Trump incited the crowd to attack the capital. Did he? I don’t believe from a criminal legal point that he did.

Thank you for an honest opinion. I wish more people on this board were capable of understanding your conclusion based on legal doctrine and not emotional garbage.

Has his actions been a violation of his oath of office in filing up a crowd and pointing them at the capital to prevent his loss from being certified, possibly. Was that faithful executing the laws of the US, it doesn’t seem so.

He called for a protest. That doesn't violate his oath of office IMHO. I heard his speech and no where did I hear to "attack the capital" if you don't like what's going on. To prove this in a legal process, I believe you would have to prove with documents or testimony that Trump spoke those words. Where I will fault him is implying that they would be there to witness Mike Pence over turn the election. That was never going to happen and no Senator ever believed that was going to happen. I've heard at least a couple of dozen say so. So yes, Trump seems to have promised something that was never going to happen but to prove he incited a riot, that could never be proven by the words he spoke which is the point I was trying to make.

This was brought up which I think was an interesting analogy. "Why go through with this if everybody knows it won't change anything".

To which one might say "why did Nancy Pelosi go through with an impeachment she knew did not have the votes to convict". The answer to both was possible political advantage/ theater. The only thing Hawley and Cruz ever wanted to do, intended to do, was have everybody agree that more must be done to address the irregularities that are there for everybody to see. It is completely disingenuous to suggest that there were no irregularities worth talking about. States violating their own laws for political advantage isn't right and it isn't legal or at least it shouldn't be. The SC as much as said they don't care, let the State work it out for themselves. That's what they wanted from the debate yesterday, not to over throw the election, that was never going to happen and everybody other than the idiots that went there to see that happen, knew that. They are a bunch of dumbasses but that can be said for the dumbasses last summer thinking that they could take over and hold a police precinct or a few city blocks. How dumb can you get but idiots do these things anyway.

I didn’t watch his or his kids speeches and came out of a deposition to see that the Capital being breached. So I’m not really able to get into the factual basis for the allegations but I suspect based on the speeches of those yesterday there must have been some things said. I suppose were the House to move for impeachment they’d have to make that explanation. Will building an argument on parsing his words matter while everyone, even right wing media is condemning him.

No, it will not but once again, emotions are over ruling good judicial judgement.As to what his kids said, the worst would be, "if you don't support this, I'm going to be in your backyard ( taking a que from BLM protesters ) and I will raise money to primary you in the next election? Seditious? Insurrection? I think not. It's also exactly what AOC said many times.

Strategically it’s a smart move just to jam some House members. And for the “good” republicans, it’ll allow them to take back control of the GOP machine that’s currently been co-opted by Trump.

As for 22, if left up to Trump, he will be attempting to be relevant or at least Jr. or Ivanka might want a political opportunity and desire to control or punish the party (I suspect the jr wants to do so). Trump doesn’t wanna let this go but maybe after yesterday he might have burned down his own house.

I believe he did and tonight, that seems to be the consensus of those that aren't complete morons.

Even Fox and Friends wasn’t apologists for him this morning.
Hell, Fox has even started saying there’s no proof of widespread voter fraud to support Trumps claim.

Surprising huh? Not to me, I heard it all the time. Guess it depends on which Fox News show one listens to. Each and every time a court ruled against Trump, it was reported. I don't know how you can ask for more than that, honest reporting of the facts. Of course they did report the crap that Rudy said and Sydney Powell said but they had to because they are not Twitter or Facebook who decides for everybody what they can and can not hear.

Britt Hume looked pained to admit that on yesterday and said all elections have irregularities but they rarely result in more than a few hundred votes. Even Lindsey Graham basically had to come forth and admit that no one could provide any proof of the allegations made for him to review. Next thing ya know Fox will be saying that it was a false claim by Trump (I suppose in an attempt to undo the lie).

If Republicans go along with a speedy impeachment it would be to prevent a 2024 run, even as a third party. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

They won't. We have 13 more days of Trump and tonight he just said he will spend the next 13 days helping President elect Joe Biden, though he didn't use his name, with a smooth transition into office. So, there you go. Trump just admitted he lost, he will work to see that the incoming administration has what it needs and he will be vacating the office on the 21st.

1159am on the 20th. It can’t come soon enough.
winn dixie's Avatar
Impeachment for what? He condemned the acts while it was happening but the lsm censored him!
Today he condemned it again but little was said by the lsm!
The dim coup wants him out before their treason has been uncovered! Once in, the dims will destroy all evidence and complete their insurrection.
The American people have been bamboozled!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Impeachment for what? He condemned the acts while it was happening but the lsm censored him!
Today he condemned it again but little was said by the lsm!
The dim coup wants him out before their treason has been uncovered! Once in, the dims will destroy all evidence and complete their insurrection.
The American people have been bamboozled! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You lie! Please, show me when trump condemned the acts! He didn't until after 7pm today!

Trump is the treasonous villain in America today! He bamboozled the American people.
If the House did decide to impeach, there might be enough cover your ass Republicans voting to convict simply because once convicted, President Trump would be prohibited from running for Political Office again.
The big problem is after the smoke clears from al of this mess, there will still be possibly 40 million die hard Trump fans who will remember. That is a sizable voting block. Originally Posted by Jackie S
But Trump can't run, so who cares?

Who will diehard Trumptards support in 2024? Biden again?
