dressing sexy

Should the provider dress sexy all the time or be asked to. I've seen providers dress up the first time I have seen them only to dress down the second time I've seen them . Should I ask them to dress up when I make appointment ?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
If u have special requests you should let it be known well in advance.

Every guy is different and we arent mind readers. Some gentlemen like lingerie and heavy makeup big hair ect and some hate it and prefer the more natural fresh out of the shower look.

P411 has a bio section you can fill out with your likes dislikes and expectations in a session. If the provider is smart she will read it. If you arent on p411 get on there LOL (lately more than ever my reference requests have been ignored)

It always helps to write a brief introduction when you contact a provider. Cant tell you how many "hey i want to see you" emails and private messages i get daily no refs no info about themselves at all.
Should the provider dress sexy all the time or be asked to. I've seen providers dress up the first time I have seen them only to dress down the second time I've seen them . Should I ask them to dress up when I make appointment ? Originally Posted by Knight57
A provider should dress however you want her to be dressed each time you schedule an appointment with her. I agree with JJ in that providers are not mind readers, so you have to let her know how you want her dressed as she greets you, or she is going to do whatever she feels like. Most of the time, a provider is ready and dressed sexy, but some flat out do not care if they look like hell, strung out due to being tired and/or other factors, look and smell like they have been running errands all day and did not bother to shower or look like they just woke up.

If she does not wish to comply, do not set the appointment with her or if she is not in the proper attire you asked her and she agreed upon being in when you arrive, and it is THAT important to you, turn around and walk without paying.
Great response Jules. I couldn't have said it better. It's your hobby OP, ask and ye shall receive! Happy hunting
You may laugh, but one thing I request is so simple but hardly ever receive.. I like lipstick on a gal. Shades of red or pink.. you might as well ask for the moon.. haha
Special requests are best shared in my book.
Your the customer. Let them know what you want. If they don't or can't comply, move on to another. But if you don't tell them before hand don't bitch afterword's
You may laugh, but one thing I request is so simple but hardly ever receive.. I like lipstick on a gal. Shades of red or pink.. you might as well ask for the moon.. haha Originally Posted by diddleman
Lipstick, perfume, fairy dust, glitter, love notes, presents, birthday cards...
All evidence of having fun with a lovely Provider. Which is why I'm glad I don't see those things.
pyramider's Avatar
I just ask the lady to dress in whatever she feels comfortable in.
If u have special requests you should let it be known well in advance.

Every guy is different and we arent mind readers. Some gentlemen like lingerie and heavy makeup big hair ect and some hate it and prefer the more natural fresh out of the shower look.

P411 has a bio section you can fill out with your likes dislikes and expectations in a session. If the provider is smart she will read it. If you arent on p411 get on there LOL (lately more than ever my reference requests have been ignored)

It always helps to write a brief introduction when you contact a provider. Cant tell you how many "hey i want to see you" emails and private messages i get daily no refs no info about themselves at all. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Special requests accepted if you ask. I have clients tell me what they want and how I should look. Don't be shy to ask for what you want.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yes, she should be sexy IN GENERAL upon the guy's arrival. For outfit specific request, she should be ready for that, too (nurse, maid, cheerleader, etc...if she has it).

A dolled up, sweet smelling woman is so hard to resist.
  • Caleb
  • 03-23-2015, 01:18 PM
For me, dressing sexy translates to being confident in her appearance. I have been greeted by ladies in smoking hot dresses, lingerie, man's shirt and long socks, towels, bare as naked (with and without a bow), robes, and I'm sure other garb I am forgetting. All have been incredibly sexy when the attire fit the mood and personality of the lady.
Richardtx's Avatar
I think if we're paying for the session, we should have the right to request pretty much almost anything. I love short shorts, so I always request that. Never been rejected. I also prefer the natural look, but not exactly the "just got home from the gym" look either. So a little...very little fixing up is good with me. Fresh out the shower look works well. The I just woke up, bed-head smelling good works for me too.
  • anita
  • 03-23-2015, 01:51 PM
If u have special requests you should let it be known well in advance.

Every guy is different and we arent mind readers. Some gentlemen like lingerie and heavy makeup big hair ect and some hate it and prefer the more natural fresh out of the shower look. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Very well said. If I have to make the decision myself, I usually go for the type of dress that is not too short and not too revealing. Especially if I have to come see you in a hotel. I will wear makeup, I will spray perfume in a way it won't be overwhelming.

Now if the guy is coming to my location, I will wear a casual daytime dress or jeans and a T-shirt, because I have to step out of my place to get them. Also, since it is a private incall, I don't want to attract attention. However, right underneath I have sexy lingerie ready to be seen.
just be in shorts, t shirt, sweats, pajamas(silk or flannel), little or no makeup, hair in a pony tail, pig tails, or however works. Keep it simple, casual simple is sexy.

or better yet, a Onesy with a flap in the back for easy entry. or