Nicole Rosewood, Timewaster Extraordinaire


Looks like she'd be a fun time. Should have known better though, with such limited recent review activity.

Booked with her almost two weeks ago, confirmed within the last three days. You guessed it, communications went dark on the day of our appointment. 30 minutes prior to our scheduled time, I receive an email saying sorry, traffic was worse than she expected and there's no way she'll be able to make the appointment.

No biggie, lots of great local ladies in the Dallas sea, and fortunately I had a spectacular tryst with my ATF last night. However, the simple courtesy of a timely notification that she wasn't going to make it would have been the right thing to do.

Too bad...smokin' hot looks, prolly would have been fun. Shot her a note after the fact, very politely expressing my feelings. No reply, she was probably otherwise occupied with the gent she booked in my place at a higher donation for a longer period of time.

This morning, I received a sincere apology/explanation. Seems Nicole had "one of those days" yesterday. Maybe my hobby experience has jaded me, leading me to some untrue assumptions.

One thing is for sure...she's well written, well spoken and looks to be smokin' hot. Hope to report the rest of the story at another time...
pyramider's Avatar
Why so butt hurt?
Because I had fallen madly in love with her even though we'd never met. I was planning to place the 5 carat diamond engagement ring I'd purchased on her finger, make passionate love all day and night, drive off into the sunset in the brand new Bentley I titled in her name, and live happily ever after...

Guess some folks can't discern between butt hurt and pissed off.
Posted by Billy Babbitt - Guess some folks can't discern between butt hurt and pissed off
Only when I have a bad Prostate exam do I get pissed off and butthurt at the same time.

Only when I have a bad Prostate exam do I get pissed off and butthurt at the same time.

Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Now that's some funny "shit!" Pun Intended!