Seeking ladies to help with verification

Hello ladies! I’m looking for someone that wouldn’t mind help me get established. I’ve been going to Amps and studios for about 7-8 years now, but I’m looking to start having some encounters with you independent ladies. Please let me know if any of you would be willing to help me get vetted so I can start building my reputation. Thank you in advance! I really appreciate it.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-28-2022, 09:01 AM
Look up sherry
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Join for Newbie Friendly (Advanced Search)
Karly_kay24's Avatar
P411 definitely
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Newbie Friendly here ..
thrakattack82's Avatar
You may try just posting an ISO on one of the boards that allows it. I have good fortune over the years, meeting some ladies I would have otherwise not have thought to reach out to.
LehaLea's Avatar
I'm newbie friendly