This seems very very basic but I just feel I have to say something. Most of the gentlemen I see are working professionals- very clean, very well dressed. I'm positive they receive basic dental care and semi regular teeth cleanings. However..I have come across a few gentlemen who have taken great pains to shower, dress up and are so awesome and polite - they are non smokers, haven't eaten garlic in the 24 hours before they see me but they have bacterial bad breath. Bacterial bad breath comes from not flossing. You can smell it across the room if it's bad enough, and at it's worse it far outweighs any cigarettes or that Thai food you had earlier in the day -yet most people that have it seem completely unaware. A good way to tell if you have this breath is to floss (I know this is gross) and then to take a whiff of the floss. If it stinks, then you probably do too. I'm only saying this because it's very preventable - and I love kissing! I want to keep kissing my friends and often. Please and thank you for flossing!
I always said if I was a contestant on one of these reality shows where you are stranded on some island, my one request would be dental floss. Cant live without it.
Might have nothing to do with flossing and more to do with their tonsils. Tonsil stones are notorious for causing bad breath even with impeccable dental health. If you ever cough up something that looks and feels like brain matter, and smells horrid, from seemingly nowhere, I suggest you look into them and see an E.N.T.