Jenna - Tattoo from Troy

Any intel or review? I thought she was reviewed here a long time ago. There was two Jenna. This one is the taller and bustier one. Thanks
I may give her a call myself.. Says she sees chicks too... Woo hoo !!!
And your always awesome and beautiful Kira!!!!!
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
Pics aren't her, but they are a pretty good approximation. Very nice girl, but non-GFE and everything is covered.

I would pass, I must have been generous that day with the yes recommendation. She is not even close to Kira's league. Kira you would be very disappointed once she opened the door. If I could go back in time I would take back my visit sadly not one of my better decisions
Thanks for you guys input. Yup...i think it is a no. Yes, I agree Kira is exceptional....