MOVED - Posted in the wrong forum! Ripped off by Jewel of Schenectady
Jewel texted and called me yesterday saying she was in court and got kicked out of her motel because Social Security is holding her check and she has no place to live. I felt sorry for her like the fool I am and she talked me into coming up and paying for a motel room for her. She also told me she was starving as she had to eat at the shelter today. She said she likes McDonald's so stupid me picks up a big mac and fries and drink and ice cream sundae for her. She texts me the address of a woman's house she spent today at to get out of the rain. I get there and she finally comes out 5 minutes later and asks for $20 to give the woman. I say no and she starts getting upset. I ended up giving it to her and she promised she'd be right out. 10 minutes later she still hadn't come out so I decided to cut my losses and I left. She started blowing up my phone with texts and phone calls. She tried to tell me she was going to the bathroom. She had over an hour to do that while I was driving there. She promised she'd be out in 2 minutes if I came back. So naive, foolish me did just that. I get there and she starts walking over to my car then is on her phone and turns around and starts talking to some guy so I said the hell with it and I left. 5 minutes later she's blowing my phone up again yelling and screaming. I get home and read a review from another member that had a car date with her at the same time she was supposed to be eating McD's in my car. Now I have cold fries and ice cream soup. Live and learn. She's truly bat shit crazy and has more issues than I originally thought she had. To make matters even worse, she turned it on me and blamed the fiasco on me. I give up! At least I was only out $20 and not the $70 for a motel room she had asked for.
Loki Pk's Avatar
First of all, learn your cheap easy lesson with that encounter. That's exactly how that will play out every time that drama presents itself. And only one in a thousand will actually 'make it up to you' in the future. So cut your losses at $20 and try to laugh it off.... get her to gobble before the $$$ hand off.

Secondly.... speaking of gobble, Eat that fucking McD's before it gets cold or the ice cream melts.....WTF?!!
Shits barely edible when it's hot n fresh LOL....

Thanks Loki PK, I really appreciate the advice. And you're right about the McD's. When I asked her if she was hungry after she gave me a sob story that she had to eat at a shelter, I was shocked and relieved when she said she likes McDs. If she was smart at all she would have asked for some expensive place to eat let alone she should have taken the McD's when she asked for the 20.
By the way, she texted me a nasty message yesterday threatening to report me if I posted anything bad about her again. Then she messaged me on a different site saying the same things. She goes "are you going to pay my bills?" I ignored it but wanted so bad to say that I already paid 20 worth of her bills. lol
Loki Pk's Avatar
Block her number and wash your hands of that drama.
You barely know her other than a visit or two, I assume. Imagine what will happen once she puts you in the cash machine trick status.
There are way better providers out there...move on and be glad the lesson was cheap and simple.

Thanks Loki PK. Excellent advice.
If you happen to have any suggestions for a provider, feel free to let me know. I could definitely use your expert guidance.
57fubar's Avatar

I always seem to be amazed that guys never think it is gonna be them that get used by these gals

I mean WTFF wake up......we have all heard (read) the sob stories about fellas falling for sob stories

wake up and use the 2 heads for what they were meant to be used for.....big one for thinkin' and the little one for fuckin'

that is all, please carry on