You would think feminists would oppose them most of all, but they are trapped by their "tolerance" for foreign ideas...
Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You would think Feminist in any country would oppose women being subservient to men. You ever heard of the Promise Keepers?
California Catholics for Free Choice, which picketed one Promise Keepers rally, claims PK is "really not about religion." Rosemary Stasek, director of the Catholic group, says Promise Keepers "have a social agenda. They take the trappings of religion and all their Biblical citations and use them to legitimize their social view about the relative roles of men and women."
According to a statement released by the National Organization for Women (NOW), Promise Keepers "ideology is one of power and control. It resembles the rationale of the batterer, not the savior."
USA Today, Stuart Wright, a sociologist at Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas, called the organization "an attempt to raise the authority and status of angry white men who find themselves declining in privilege and power. It is part of a movement of the religious right to reconstruct the 1950s."
Jay Coakley, a sociologist at the University of Colorado, said in the same article that Promise Keepers "gives moral legitimacy to men who wish to regain power," and represents "the same white male Republican vote you saw in the last election."