Question about visiting a provider

I was trying to visit a provider called sunkist. After screening and dicussing about the time, she told me to call her about one hour before the visit to confirm. Then she's not answering the phone nor responsive to the text by the time.
Does anyone ever have had a similiar issue? What may be wrong?
I hope she didn't flake out on you. I'm heading to see her today
Well Shuaige it is not always easy to know for sure. You are definitely a newby here, and depending on what type of screening she did, it may be possible she just got nervous and decided not to see you. Doesn't make it right, but that might be what happened.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Hey Shu, my suggestion is don't waste time trying to figure it out, just move on to another lady.
Sometimes life happens. I've been stood up by a couple of verified providers and one that I had even seen before (but I assume she didn't like me). I'd move on but if she gets back to you to give an explanation, perhaps reschedule?
If you get the chance try her again! She was worth my time. I'll be reviewing later
Guest041817's Avatar
Sorry this is happening to you babe.
sunkist304's Avatar
ok well in my DEFENSE! you are new to the website and have 0 references. you sent me your student id and after thinking more of the activity that goes on in Omaha for me it wasent enough I did text you asking for further verification and also i was busy when you called me so when i seen your many missed calls were back to back that also gave me a bit of a red flag. i do not schedule appointments with people and flake on them my reviews speak for themselves. I'm a very genuine provider and i don't bullshit anybody or waist time. so again sorry for the miscommunication or where the error was but i didn't feel fully comfortable.
sunkist304's Avatar
Well Shuaige it is not always easy to know for sure. You are definitely a newby here, and depending on what type of screening she did, it may be possible she just got nervous and decided not to see you. Doesn't make it right, but that might be what happened. Originally Posted by farmstud60
yes i got uncomfortable because he stated he was new and has 0 references and sent me only his student id and after thinking about it i wanted more than just the id. and after i sent that text he called me back to back and texted me something that completely avoided the question so to me it was a red flag.
Filipinajuju's Avatar
One of the main things I pay attention to when screening is the behavior of a potential client ABOUT screening. I understand every provider screens differently but if you're new to a board and don't have much in regards to verification, please EXPECT some providers to be very hesitant. The more understanding you are of this hesitation and more willing to provide something to put her at ease speaks volumes! Sometimes I can just get a weird vibe and that determines if I ask for one piece of verification or five! (Lol and I have done that before) Also, even though you are calling an hour beforehand doesn't necessarily mean she has scheduled you in and guaranteed that time slot for you. Additionally, when a person calls numerous times that is a HUGE red flag. That can send comfort completely out the door.

I personally know Sunkist and know she is a safe provider with an excellent reputation on this board. When a provider doesn't listen to her instincts and just sees anybody that contacts her, shouldn't that be cause for concern to clients and what they may be getting into?
Guest041817's Avatar
Yeah I have to agree with Sun... if that happened to me I probably won't see him either.. I hate when guys call 500 times and don't leave a voicemail..
burkalini's Avatar
Yeah I have to agree with Sun... if that happened to me I probably won't see him either.. I hate when guys call 500 times and don't leave a voicemail.. Originally Posted by FrEaKyKeEkI
So 499 times is ok then. I gotta get my speed dial fixed. lol
It came out to be a miscommunication that some texts missed after they were sent....
So that I didn't receive some of her texts asking for more verifications...
I hate T-mobile....
Mach46's Avatar
Well this will inspire me to write a review. It's you not her. She couldn't of been easier to see. Pm with my references text let her know I pm'ed her. She texted back and said she would get back to me when she heard from them. Thank you ladies {my references} you know who you are. Set up time to meet and the rest is history. I don't like doing reviews really. But it's laughable that there is any question about this lovely lady. Have you seen her reviews? If she has questions about you that's on you. But to say she flaked is just ridiculous. The drama continues on this site. Not that she needs me to stick up for her. I'm nobody. But I do have great references and that's all that matters if you want to see one of these ladies. Build up your references and you will never have this problem..
We assume that texts go through right away, but sometimes they get hung up in the system and don't get delivered for a while.

Thanks for posting on this thread Sunkist, and to the other providers that chimed in. Sometimes horny guys are their own worst enemy in trying to connect with someone.