So I am working on a project for a local provider with regards to her site and payment options.
She has a site but I am turning it into a pay site for certain pics and vids. Typical features you find on sites now days. She asks me if she can tie the pay site into where she can also take cc for services. I of course have options as I have worked for other clients (not in this industry) that could take cc payments anywhere. I always sent them with apps like Square or Go Payment that works with mobile device but also tied it website. Easy stuff!
So my question? Would you be willing to pay by cc if the company name was masked, which I can do? Meaning secure and you see it and sign for it right there through reputable service.
My take, I don't have Significant other and have no problem with it. Also it allows more options for provider as maybe some clients just don't have cash on hand.