something terrible ...has happened

Plastic Man's Avatar

...yer ...plastic man ...had to pee pee so he wents an raised ...the seat on his potty an he saws wheres poopie gots ...ons the seat

...plastic man ...was so scared he done called ...a plumber ta tells thems bouts the emergency an whens ...the plumber done did arrive he tolds yer ...plastic man ...its gonna costs ...over two thousand jimmie ...bucks ta gets a new potty

...guys whats shoulds yer ...plastic man
Spring for the upgrade and spend 3K
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Ceremony's Avatar
Shit in the woods
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Shit in the woods Originally Posted by Ceremony
use the leafs of any ivy like/looking plant where the leafs seem ta come in threes for toilet paper.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
use the leafs of any ivy like/looking plant where the leafs seem ta come in threes for toilet paper. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Yes do this and the same thing will happen to your ass that happens to your crank when you resort to one of the fatsos from Paul's gay male/grotesque whore website.

Shit and piss outside is the move.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
but if in public don't forget See pet waste bags