Obama was for gay marriage, then against it, now for it

joe bloe's Avatar
Obama officially announced his support of same sex marriage yesterday after Joe Biden let it slip that he himself supported same sex marriage. Obama says his position has evolved on the issue. The media is not honestly covering the story, as usual.

From the Weekly Standard:

In fact, Obama has not “evolved”—he has changed his position whenever his political fortunes required him to do so. Running for the Illinois state senate from a trendy area of Chicago in 1996, he was for gay marriage. “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages,” he wrote in answer to a questionnaire back then. In 2004, he was running for the U.S. Senate and needed to appeal to voters statewide. So he evolved, and favored civil unions but opposed homosexual “marriage.” In 2008, running for president, he said, “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.” Now in 2012, facing a tough reelection campaign where he needs energized supporters of gay “marriage” and has disappointed them with his refusal to give them his support, he is for it. To paraphrase John Kerry, he was for it before he was against it before he was for it again.

You sure you want to go there?

Like Romney being against the 2002 proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.....and now being for such an amendment?

Like Romney being for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants before he was against it?

Or like Romney being "an independent" when Reagan was president but now listing Reagan as his hero, like the rest of you zombies do?

Or like Romney supporting a ban on assault rifles before he didn't?

Or like Romney believing in global warming before he didn't?

Or like Romney supporting embryonic cell research before he didn't?

Or like Romney signing legislation in Massachusetts requiring all residents to purchase health insurance....before he was against it?

Or like Romney being pro-choice before he wasn't?

Or like Romney being in favor of universal health care and passing such legislation to the effect in Mass....before deciding he is against universal health care?

Talk about "Evolving"......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wouldn't it be nice to have an election where we compare how smart the two major party candidates are, instead of how stupid?

Ain't gonna happen.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Mitt Romney is working on an ad to attract the Hispanic vote. He'll be standing in his nicely manicured front yard saying "Nice work, Jose!!!"
Wouldn't it be nice to have an election where we compare how smart the two major party candidates are, instead of how stupid?

Ain't gonna happen. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't think Romney or Obama are stupid. But, the vast majority of the electorate is....
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'm with tipage on most of that but it was a pretty chicken shit way out of the question. I think I might be to the point that I don't care about any of this petty shit between these two candidates. If Obama cured world hunger and AIDS in the same week, I'd still vote for Romney. THEN when a sane democrat that is not linked to (through Someone he's appointed or influenced by) Communism, socialism, Marxism, or terror group, I will happily listen to whatever is the current controversy may be.

Romney is crooked like a deer antler, but at least he's not a commey or a panther.
willdooit's Avatar
Who cares the real issue is the middle class being destroyed unions being destroyed pensions being stolen.
LovingKayla's Avatar
What if the middle class is shrinking because they are moving into the rich category? Middle class would still be shrinking because the vast majority of the poor will not have the will or the chance to move into the middle class.

Ya I don't buy it either, but it was a thought.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think Romney or Obama are stupid. But, the vast majority of the electorate is.... Originally Posted by timpage
You are right. That is why we end up with such poor choices as Obama or Romney. Geez, is this REALLY the best we can do?
joe bloe's Avatar
You sure you want to go there?

Like Romney being against the 2002 proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.....and now being for such an amendment?

Like Romney being for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants before he was against it?

Or like Romney being "an independent" when Reagan was president but now listing Reagan as his hero, like the rest of you zombies do?

Or like Romney supporting a ban on assault rifles before he didn't?

Or like Romney believing in global warming before he didn't?

Or like Romney supporting embryonic cell research before he didn't?

Or like Romney signing legislation in Massachusetts requiring all residents to purchase health insurance....before he was against it?

Or like Romney being pro-choice before he wasn't?

Or like Romney being in favor of universal health care and passing such legislation to the effect in Mass....before deciding he is against universal health care?

Talk about "Evolving"...... Originally Posted by timpage
Just hypothetically, let's assume Obama gets bad feedback from his latest position on gay marriage. Let's assume for the sake of argument, he changes back to being against gay marriage before the election. Would that be enough for you to acknowledge that's he totally full of shit? Or how about he reverses himself twice or three times or, etc. At what point do you cease to defend him? Is there any point at which you stop carrying the water for this clown?

Why not just admit that Obama's actions are irrelevant to you? Just tell us that you are going to support him no matter what he says or does.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-10-2012, 02:03 PM
If Obama cured world hunger and AIDS in the same week, I'd still vote for Romney. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Why not just admit that Obama's actions are irrelevant to you? Just tell us that you are (not) going to support him no matter what he says or does. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Yeah, Kayla, answer the question.
I don't think Romney or Obama are stupid. But, the vast majority of the electorate is.... Originally Posted by timpage

That about covers it!

But Tim, honestly, Romney, or any politician for that matter including Obama, has to appeal to the base to get the nomination then to the nation to win the general election because we’ve become a nation divided. The Republicans are the party of fear (In the Modern Era, going back to McCarthyism up to the current evangelical religious zealots.) and the Democrats are the party of Class Warfare. Personally, I think it was the Contract with America that widened the divide so much. Newt admitted to as much. If We the People, would come more to the middle we could actually get more control over our politicians. Hold them to their word instead of forcing them to lie [so much] to get elected.

Why not just admit that Obama's actions are irrelevant to you? Just tell us that you are going to support him no matter what he says or does. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I agree with joe blow's comment. And Tim Page's original comment is the same as Kayla's below just from the other side of the fence.

I'm with tipage on most of that but it was a pretty chicken shit way out of the question. I think I might be to the point that I don't care about any of this petty shit between these two candidates. If Obama cured world hunger and AIDS in the same week, I'd still vote for Romney. THEN when a sane democrat that is not linked to (through Someone he's appointed or influenced by) Communism, socialism, Marxism, or terror group, I will happily listen to whatever is the current controversy may be.

Romney is crooked like a deer antler, but at least he's not a commey or a panther. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Dogmatics. It’s leading us to hell in a hand basket.

And by the way………………..Who cares?!?!?! Let the gays marry if they want to. Let them get divorced too. WHO CARES! We have much, much bigger fish to fry. This is just a diversionary tactic because politicos know what Tim Page knows, the electorate is STOOPID!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-10-2012, 02:45 PM
Dogmatics. It’s leading us to hell in a hand basket.

And by the way………………..Who cares?!?!?! Let the gays marry if they want to. Let them get divorced too. WHO CARES! We have much, much bigger fish to fry. This is just a diversionary tactic because politicos know what Tim Page knows, the electorate is STOOPID! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I could have a field day with this.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Are Dogmatics like a toaster oven for Obamas favoite mea?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Are Dogmatics like a toaster oven for Obamas favoite mea? Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Yes, as a matter of fact. Ron Popeil is developing an infomercial for them now.