When It's Perfectly Acceptable To Giveaway Your Hard Earned Donation

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
In some special cases...You ever wanted to see a girl so bad (maybe a pornstar, local or traveling gal) and you saved up your money, planned meticulously for that perfect moment...and then BAAM!! (holy heart failure Batman) you're hit with a severe migraine, back injury, or explo--sive Diharrea.

What do you do...you know if you back out she likely wont fuck with you no more or put you on a DNS list. In this case you have 2 options... 1.) Tell her you have Diaharrea or whatever and cant meet or 2.) go see her and drop off the donation (as long as its not pornstar type money) and leave.... almost guaranteeing she will see you again.

In this case giving her your donation and apologizing seems to be the best choice. ;-( Lie about it being a back injury or migraine...never admit to Explosive Diahrrea. lol
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Another useless thread. Nobody cares about you and your personal issues.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Another useless thread. Nobody cares about you and your personal issues. Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
Lol. uhh why did I know you've been at home stewing in anger over that failed PSA and was just waiting to respond to my next thread..

poor baby... you will be ok. ;-)
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Hahahahaha weak
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Did you wake up with the bubble guts?

Unless you really know and trust that person as being reliable & professional.

Safer to never give your money away, too many things can go wrong if said person is questionable.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Did you wake up with the bubble guts?

Unless you really know and trust that person as being reliable & professional.

Safer to never give your money away, too many things can go wrong if said person is questionable. Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
As long as I dont mix ice cream and fried foods I'm ok...I aint had bubble guts in about 3 yrs...dont jinx me.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Dairy & grease = yukk

Okay, not gonna jinx ya
pyramider's Avatar
Italia, we need your professonal assessment ... EL Strappy would help the digestive issues Sissy has?
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Why are you making a thread to tell everyone about your diarrhea?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Why are you making a thread to tell everyone about your diarrhea? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Why would I be so gross... this is a topic that's been on my mind for awhile. It's a good clean decent topic.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Why are you making a thread to tell everyone about your diarrhea? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Don't feed the troll.

Unless I'm the troll.

Atleast it might be funny.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Why are you making a thread to tell everyone about your diarrhea? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
The general consensus is that sissy chap is full of shit, so posting a threAD about his diarrhea would be a 180 degree turn around.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why are you making a thread to tell everyone about your diarrhea? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
It's his weight loss program.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Man...i buy a bundle of bananas and all the monkey's come to chimp out.