Chinese Americans mobilize against critical race theory

  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2021, 10:11 AM

A Chinese American group on Tuesday issued a public letter forcefully denouncing critical race theory (CRT) as a "hateful, divisive" and "manipulative fraud" that has infected nearly every facet of society and must be stopped.
The Chinese American Citizens Alliance Greater New York (CACAGNY) said CRT has predominantly entered workplaces and educational institutions under the guise of "anti-racism and diversity, equity and inclusion" when it is in fact "racist, repressive, discriminatory and divisive."

FILE: Protesters representing Black Lives Matter and Protect the Results march in Seattle. (AP)

This doctrine, CACAGNY said, teaches that people are inextricably linked to their race, that Blacks are oppressed, all Whites are oppressors, and any unequal outcome is not only unjust, but also racist.
The group cited examples of this doctrine seeping into workspaces and schools, instances where White employees and students were subjected to "diversity" training seminars or curricula that essentially asked participants to admit their complicity in an inherently oppressive system.
In the most recent example, third graders at a Northern California elementary school math class were told "that they lived in a dominant culture of White, cisgender, educated Christians, and this culture was created to hoard power." The third graders were told to check themselves off "victimization categories" to see whether they were "oppressors" or "oppressed," according to CACAGNY.
A Chinese parent – reminded of Mao’s bloody Cultural Revolution – found out about the material and organized parents to stop it, CACAGNY said.
CACAGNY said Chinese Americans’ ability to achieve upward mobility has made them "White by adjacency" and put them in "CRT’s crosshair."
The group said CRT has allowed institutions like Harvard to "reject Asians with better academic and extracurricular credentials than those of admitted applicants."
"One way or another, CRT wants to get rid of too many Asians in good schools," CACAGNY said. "Asians are overrepresented. CRT is today’s Chinese Exclusion Act. CRT is the real hate crime against Asians."

The group called upon parents to recognize CRT for what it is, organize against it, and "un-doctrinate" their kids.
"This needs to start early, because CRT indoctrination also starts early," CACAGNY said. "Don’t trust schools and teachers blindly."

This Group and statement is correct - the Woke DPST marxist bastards are inflicting their own version of Racism in America - and against those who work to achieve - a cherished Value of America - disdained and despised by the DPST/ccp woke cancel culture.

They scream , yammer, and howl for 'equity' - just a term for marixst re-distribution of welath from those who work and earn to DPST parsites who want to sit on the ass and get free stuff from fiden and his marxist cabal of criminals.
crt is the same 'racism' used by 'Hardvard" and the Ivy League to discriminate against Asians who work and achieve - in favor of racist 'woke ' admissions policies.

It simply the DPST way of dividing America along racial check-box lines - and fomenting and race-baiting America into a racially based Civil War!

Comment - All teh Liberal cries of "Stop Asian hate' - are by definition Hypocrisy - the DPST's refuse to acknowledge that the vast majority of violence against Asian peoples decried in teh DPST LSM - is perpetrated by African Americans - and OBLM terrorists - and the DPST nomenklatura will not say a word against their own home grown OBLM terrorists.

One 'minority group' - despised by the woke marxist bastards for their work ethic and success - and disdain for government dependence so valued by the DPST woke bastard criminals- the Asian Americans are standing up to being forced into servitude on teh DPST Plantation. They refuse to swallow the discriminatory narrative/rhetoric/idiotology - and teh theft of their hard work by 'wealth re-distribution' to ''better deserving'' minorities.

Good for them - a breath of Truth against teh LSM/DPST Lies!