Input please ?

Victoriajolie's Avatar
I haven’t been in your area in long long time planning to visit Jackson but don’t know which area is the best ..

I can’t remember exactly but seem there are area to avoid from my past trip
Thanks vic
Biloxi is where you want to be. Go down baby, go down.
Guitar's Avatar
Stay away from downtown area. Countyline Road and I55 has a Drury Inn that is nice, and of course the Hilton, (if you can afford it). Pearl area and Brandon have some nice hotels. Be careful around the Jackson area. Crime is at an all time high and murders also when dark appears. Be aware of your surroundings at all times in the capital city, especially when the sun goes down.
Listen to Guitar he hobbies daily around those parts. If you message him via pm I am sure he would tell you exactly which hotels are safest to work from as well as the ones to absolutely avoid.

On a side note its disconcerting just how dangerous Jackson has become. It wasn't always like that so what changed? Do the police just avoid policing the urban areas and just let the animals run amuck like they do in so many major urban cities like Chicago?

I understand why police would rather not endanger themselves trying to protect areas where they are universally despised by the populace but there are decent people forced to live in those areas due to being to poor to live anywhere else. I feel for those people for the young kids growing up with nothing to look forward to other than being sucked up into gangs drugs and eventually death at the hands of thugs or long prison terms. Its such a sad never ending circle of misery that is really unfair to those who would have likely flourished had they grown up in better circumstances.
So what you are saying is that the environment is the root cause of all things evil and people are inherently good?

Me, personally, I am bad. Real bad. And need to be properly.... ah, nevermind, I don't think the forum rules allow such talk.
So what you are saying is that the environment is the root cause of all things evil and people are inherently good?

Me, personally, I am bad. Real bad. And need to be properly.... ah, nevermind, I don't think the forum rules allow such talk. Originally Posted by aNameinGulfport
Yes I would like to think that most people are inherently good giving the proper upbringing. Even most people I know who grew up in negative surroundings were at heart good people. What I feel for are the people who are predisposed to being good but end up bad because of the environment in which they are forced to live. To me thats whats sad. I feel for the kids who grow up in crime infested shitholes like Jackson who if giving the same opportunity I had would have turned out to be productive members of society. Thats the real shame imho

And we already know you are bad aname and you need one of these ladies to punish you lol
Victoriajolie's Avatar
I can punish him lol

Thanks everyone for the pms & recommendations
I had no idea that Jackson had become that dangerous
Bisous VJ
Victoriajolie's Avatar
I want to thanks everyone for the input I’ll book my location shortly