Fantasy match up for 2018

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Laaaddddieesss and this corner we have the Manhattan Shadow, the daughter of the disastor, the original Jewish housewife, and part time news producer....Chelsea Clintooonnnnnn!

And in this corner hailing also from Mahattan, she's hot and she's rich, she has her own clothing line, dadddy's little girl.....Ivanaka "The Real Thing" Trummmmpppp!

The battle of the tape:

Chelsea Victoria Clinton Mezvinsky
Age 36 from Little Rock, AR
Two children
Net worth: $15 million
CBS producer/Clinton Foundation officer
Stanford/Oxford/Columbia/New York Uni.
Phd in International Relations

Ivanka Marie Trump Kushner
Age 35 from New York, NY
Three children
Net worth: $150 million
Executive VP of Trump Development
& Acquisitions/former model/President
of own clothing line
Converted to Judaism
Georgetown/Wharton (Harvard) Business/
Uni. of Pennsylvania Cum Laude in
You have no faith that Trumpolini will get a second term? Me, either.
You have no faith that Trumpolini will get a second term? Me, either. Originally Posted by Prolongus
hey dumb ass they won't be electing a president in 2018
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I blame either poor reading skills or poor understanding of our government. It could be not keeping up with current events.
bambino's Avatar
hey dumb ass they won't be electing a president in 2018 Originally Posted by gary5912
He's a complete imbecile. Fucking clueless. He was wrong now, he'll be wrong every time.
Webb Hubble's Daughter against Donald Trump's Daughter.

One has brains and looks, the other, Hillary Clinton as a mother.
BigLouie's Avatar
I could see Ivanka getting into politics,. I think she would do well
their net worth should show who is more successful since the other made hers from people giving to a phony foundation
  • DSK
  • 11-13-2016, 06:16 PM
I could see Ivanka getting into politics,. I think she would do well Originally Posted by BigLouie
She is very pretty, and Chelsea is ugly.

I'd vote for Ivanka.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ahem.. they're both democrats!!!

I didn't know Ivanka was jewish.
LexusLover's Avatar
Since I can't vote for either one, ....

.. what difference does it make.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ahem.. they're both democrats!!!

I didn't know Ivanka was jewish. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
made a grammar mistake. "was" should be "is".
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Since I can't vote for either one, ....

.. what difference does it make. Originally Posted by LexusLover
prolly no difference. considering they're both new yawkers.
LexusLover's Avatar
prolly no difference. considering they're both new yawkers. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Chelsea is getting ready to be left "holding the bag" anyway.

After Mom and Dad leave her hanging out to dry future politics will not be in the cards.
I look at that picture of Chelsea and can only wonder what the heck was Mezvinsky thinking? .....