So You Think You Have Trouble!

In today's Wall Street Journal the following article starts out:

Giant Gas Bubbles in Indiana Dairy Farm's Waste Pond Frighten Neighbors

WINCHESTER, Ind.—Like many of his neighbors, farmer Tony Goltstein has to deal with the aftermath of the dairy bubble.
But besides his mounting financial troubles, Mr. Goltstein also must contend with bubbles the size of small houses that have sprouted from the pool of manure at his Union Go Dairy Farm. Some are 20 feet tall, inflated with the gas released by 21 million gallons of decomposing cow manure.
But he has a plan. It requires a gas mask, a small boat and a Swiss Army knife.
The saga of Mr. Goltstein's bubbles, which are big enough to be seen ...

The story continues with Mr. Goltstein's plan to puncture the bubbles with the Swiss Army knife. State officials are investigating his plan but neighbors are worried. The cost to replace the retention pond exceed $200,000. He just filed Chapter 11 so he can't afford that. I just hope we don't hear a Captain Ahab shout "There she blows"
  • Laker
  • 03-25-2010, 12:07 PM
The guy has a money maker and doesn't know it. He needs to cover it with a bubble or bubbles like those over tenniscouts, golf ranges, and then run it inot a generator engine, make electricity :-) Guess easier said than done though! Bet it is smelly though!!
Here is a picture of Tony Goltstein and his bubbles:

Jack - Thanks for the addition of the photo!