5 year old shoots 2 year old sister

Another uplifting gun story.


Thank god we can all rest easy tonight with the thought that we are safe from our tyrannical government because we have our guns.
More proof that gun control doesn't work. We need to focus on the problems, in this case it doesn't look like the parents deserved the right to breed. I'd be all for breeding control.
More proof that gun control doesn't work. We need to focus on the problems, in this case it doesn't look like the parents deserved the right to breed. I'd be all for breeding control. Originally Posted by nwarounder

Liberals do not seem to believe in personal responsibility. They want the government to take that role.

Do stabbings not count? http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/29/us/cal...ath/index.html Maybe we need to take away knives other than bread knives. Gee I wonder if the government does outlaw guns will murder by stabbing increase?
Chicago had a wonderful weekend with their gun control. Just like every weekend.
Gee I wonder if the government does outlaw guns will murder by stabbing increase? Originally Posted by satexasguy
Chicago had a wonderful weekend with their gun control. Just like every weekend. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Nah anf LOL, the Mexican cartels will make sure we always have our guns. We got a little 43 year old failed experiment that is ending and they can't wait for our next failure.
More proof that gun control doesn't work. We need to focus on the problems, in this case it doesn't look like the parents deserved the right to breed. I'd be all for breeding control. Originally Posted by nwarounder
More proof that you're a fucking idiot.
More proof that you're a fucking idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
Parents leave a loaded gun within reach of a five year old and I'm an idiot.

Okay, Libs, please don't try this at your home, the point of proving I'm an idiot is not worth it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All of 6 posts before he resorts to name calling, typical.

The issue is the irresponsibility of the parents.
Guns for all. Cricket.....marketed to 5 year olds. Only in the United States. Be proud dumbasses. They'll bury the two year old in a few days. The five year old and the parents can live with it for the rest of their lives.

You can forget about it. Just like you've forgotten about those 20 dead 6 year olds. Be proud. Morons.
bojulay's Avatar
Guess while they're at it they should confiscate electricity and
swimming pools as well.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And toys with small parts
chefnerd's Avatar
It is not about the rifle. It IS about the STUPIDITY of the parents. I did not grow up in a household with firearms, my dad did not want them in the house, probably had to do with what he saw in WWII when he headed across Europe in 1945. However, that doe not mean I was not exposed to them. My best friend growing up, along with his dad, was an avid hunter as were some of my other friends. THE NUMBER ONE THING STRESSED WAS SAFETY. Same thing when entered NROTC, even though our "drill rifles" were 'known' to be unloaded, first thing at ALL times was to make sure. This has nothing to do with the firearm itself, just simple safety that all but the most stupid will not follow. I place the blame for this unfortunate tragedy squarely on the TOTAL STUPIDITY of the parents, NOT the firearm.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It is not about the rifle. It IS about the STUPIDITY of the parents. I did not grow up in a household with firearms, my dad did not want them in the house, probably had to do with what he saw in WWII when he headed across Europe in 1945. However, that doe not mean I was not exposed to them. My best friend growing up, along with his dad, was an avid hunter as were some of my other friends. THE NUMBER ONE THING STRESSED WAS SAFETY. Same thing when entered NROTC, even though our "drill rifles" were 'known' to be unloaded, first thing at ALL times was to make sure. This has nothing to do with the firearm itself, just simple safety that all but the most stupid will not follow. I place the blame for this unfortunate tragedy squarely on the TOTAL STUPIDITY of the parents. Originally Posted by chefnerd
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You liberals that want gun control would be well served by us splitting up the country. Your new country could have strict gun control, our country could have the current laws and common law rulings. If nothing else, it would be an interesting social experiment to see which side's opinion is actually right.