Senile Biden Admin smeared Border Patrol Agents

berryberry's Avatar
Breaking: Email reveals DHS Secretary Mayorkas was alerted by DHS' top public affairs official that the "whipping" narrative behind horseback Border Patrol photos wasn't true, but at a White House press conference 2.5 hours later, he didn't refute that narrative, instead calling the images "horrifying".

berryberry's Avatar
Mayorkas' Scandal Over Handling of Border Patrol Whipping Hoax Just Got a Whole Lot Worse

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was made aware the horseback Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector did not whip illegal immigrants prior to making an appearance at a White House press briefing where he continued to slander their actions.

The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project sued the Department of Homeland Security for any communications regarding the incident. "After suing DHS for not initially turning over the documents, it was discovered Mayorkas was emailed an article confirming Border Patrol agents did not whip anyone two and half hours before a White House press briefing on September 24, 2021. Despite being sent the email, Mayorkas did not defend the agents in question and instead called the misleading pictures "horrifying".

"Resign now [Mayorkas]! You are not fit to lead Border Patrol agents. You are not fit to lead anyone. You lack integrity, courage and honesty. The Biden Admin sold out BP agents the day they took office to push their open border agenda. It's disgraceful," the National Border Patrol Council tweeted in reaction to the revelation.

The incident sparked a nationwide outrage among Democrats and progressives over the misleading claims, given Border Patrol agents are not issued whips in the first place. A federal investigation confirmed no whipping took place.
eyecu2's Avatar
They do need to get the border sorted. No matter what happens after midterms, I hope they will vote to either reform immigration or just enforce what's on the books.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They won’t or already would’ve.

berryberry's Avatar
They do need to get the border sorted. No matter what happens after midterms, I hope they will vote to either reform immigration or just enforce what's on the books. Originally Posted by eyecu2
It won't happen. There is a reason the libtards have ignored it as long as they have and taken steps to make the border wide open. It is all part of their efforts to destroy America as we know it
berryberry's Avatar
Jonathon Turley:

"The innocence of these agents was immaterial when they became useful cutouts for a narrative of systemic racism. President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas did not even have the decency to apologize to these agents and their families. They are props, not people."
berryberry's Avatar
Jonathon Turley - Secretary Mayorkas should resign. For Mayorkas, his boss (President Biden) is equally guilty of the spreading this false claim and even assuring the public that the agents would be punished.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas needs to resign.
No, it is not because of the record level of border crossing with millions pouring into the country. It is not the obvious lack of confidence of the rank and file officers in Mayorkas. It is not even past controversies like his Orwellian "Disinformation Governance Board."

No, Mayorkas must resign because he betrayed not just his agents but his oath to "well and faithfully discharge" the duties of his office in his handling of the "whipping scandal."

Some of us previously criticized Mayorkas for his failure to protect the agents falsely accused of whipping migrants along the Texas-Mexico border, even after the president promised that they would be punished before any investigation. Mayorkas joined in with the chorus of critics condemning the agents as an example of "systemic racism" in the government.

Now, according to newly acquired email records, it appears that Mayorkas knew hours before he made those statements that the story was false and that the photographer who took the photos expressly denied that any whipping occurred. Nevertheless, he supported President Biden's and the media's narrative and threw these agents under the proverbial bus.
