Appointments, Periods, and Cancellations.

69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 03-09-2012, 04:24 PM
I had an appointment scheduled for mid-afternoon with a fairly well known lady here, who seems to have good reviews. So I schedule well in advance, and she tells me to call 1.5 hours prior to confirm. Pretty standard, all seems well.

So, at 1.5 hrs prior to the appointment time, I make the call. The lady starts into a bit of a diatrabe and finally mentions "girl issues". I listen for a bit longer, and finally figure out "girl issues" is her code for having started her period.

I get that having her period is not controllable by her. Glad she told me.

But in her diatribe she mentioned that it started early that morning. This really peeves me! So she knew for at least 5 hours, and didn't email, text, PM, or call. As my availability to run off at a moments notice is limited, she has now made it impossible for me to see someone else. Her inability to notify me in a reasonable timeframe has killed the possibility of a Plan B. Aaaarrrrgggghhh!

So, I want to know what both the ladies and gents think.

I really think this is pretty inexcusable. I think that when she knew it wasn't going to happen, I should have been told within a short timeframe. Waiting for me to confirm, is just not acceptable, when that is at least 5 hours after she knew.

Over time my thinking on the matter of ladies and cancellations due to starting their periods has changed. I started out thinking "The ladies don't necessarily know when their period will start, so I have to roll with it." Over time, I have been in way too many situations where I am sitting in a parking lot, and the lady is saying, "Oh, my period just started", and are wondering if we can do a reduced rate session.

Over the past 3 years I've seen this about six times, and I tend to hobby every other week. That works out to about 7.5% of appointments! That is way more than chance would predict, for not getting told until I'm in the parking lot.

I've come around to believing this is just the way many ladies do business, and they figure a reduced rate for "that time of the month" is better than none. So they schedule, hoping that when you are sitting outside their incall, that you will say "Yes" even though that is not what you want.

How often are the guys were getting cancelled on with inadequate notice of the ladies "time of the month"?

Ladies, how many of you know of others who play this little game in an effort to increase their revenue stream?
Daen1304's Avatar
I have nevr been cancelled on for such reasons myself. But if some providers really think like that then it is a shame. There have been times I would have been happy with a reduced rate appointment, but those are when I have already decided that there was that kind of possibility, such as the girl is not known for full gambit anyway, and I wanted to see her anyway.

Though I don't know the details of your situation, may I suggest AMPs or possibly a studio as a last min Plan B? They have served many well as such before in the past.
I think she should have let you know way earlier that does happen though it comes outta nowhere sometimes but she shouldve let you know just like we like for the client to let us know!!!!!! Sorry that happened....
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 03-09-2012, 07:12 PM
I totaly agree with Brandee!!! If she new earlier she should have used
common courtesy and picked up the phone.........
Manners are so very important..
Before this thread goes on further I would like to let everyone know that I am said provider which 69er is referring to. Now that everyone knows which lady exactly that he is referring to you should probably also know the Full story.

I have a day job in the civie world that I was at when I became aware that I would need to reschedule. The situation was that I did not have access to the internet until I got home in order to get his contact information to let him know. Unfortunately I did not get home until 1 hour and 45 minutes before our appt was to take place to be able to look this up. My "diatribe" was me explaining this and how sorry I am for any inconvenience.

Then I went on to let him know that because it was so last minute I also contacted a couple of my friends and have a very reputable and equally as fun lady willing to be available in my place if he is interested so that he would not have to worry about a plan B. I had plan B available for him. I know it can be difficult to make last minute arrangements and feel very bad that I was not able to let him know earlier.

Yes, I explained in a discreet non explicit manner why it was that I needed to cancel. If you do any research on me at all you will find it would be extremely uncharacteristic of me to be explicit or indiscreet. I apologize that this was an inconvenience.I understand being upset, but I feel that I did my best given the situation and tried to let him know and even went out of my way to get a back up plan lined up.

Now I am aware of how much irritation I have unintentionally caused I will also not be rescheduling anything with this particular gent because I would hate for him to possibly have to ever suffer any more inconveniences from me.
R4's Avatar
  • R4
  • 03-09-2012, 07:49 PM
Some girls go through it and don't even bother to tell you. At least you weren't dinning on her and then in the middle of your meal decide to go in for some FIV action and hit a menstrual cup. LOL. I'm laughing because it happened to me.
  • Holly
  • 03-09-2012, 07:57 PM
I agree...sometimes last min things come up and there is nothing at all that you can do about it but 5 hours prior....this sounds like this lady thinks her time is way more valuable than yours....sorry this happened to you!!
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 03-09-2012, 08:46 PM
Before this thread goes on further I would like to let everyone know that I am said provider which 69er is referring to. Now that everyone knows which lady exactly that he is referring to you should probably also know the Full story.

I have a day job in the civie world that I was at when I became aware that I would need to reschedule. The situation was that I did not have access to the internet until I got home in order to get his contact information to let him know. Unfortunately I did not get home until 1 hour and 45 minutes before our appt was to take place to be able to look this up. My "diatribe" was me explaining this and how sorry I am for any inconvenience.

Then I went on to let him know that because it was so last minute I also contacted a couple of my friends and have a very reputable and equally as fun lady willing to be available in my place if he is interested so that he would not have to worry about a plan B. I had plan B available for him. I know it can be difficult to make last minute arrangements and feel very bad that I was not able to let him know earlier.

Yes, I explained in a discreet non explicit manner why it was that I needed to cancel. If you do any research on me at all you will find it would be extremely uncharacteristic of me to be explicit or indiscreet. I apologize that this was an inconvenience.I understand being upset, but I feel that I did my best given the situation and tried to let him know and even went out of my way to get a back up plan lined up.

Now I am aware of how much irritation I have unintentionally caused I will also not be rescheduling anything with this particular gent because I would hate for him to possibly have to ever suffer any more inconveniences from me. Originally Posted by Elysa Scott

I definitely did not understand from our phone call why you could not have told me sooner. I was having difficulty in hearing you (remember the comments about your cell phone call breaking up... so I don't understand why you believe I was hearing everything), along with you being "discreet non explicit" (makes it difficult for me to figure out what you are trying to tell me), and getting cut off in the middle of the conversation, as you ran out of minutes. Perhaps all these things were the "perfect storm", but I find it difficult to believe that I couldn't have found out about this any earlier. I think you will agree that I was very accomodating on that phone call.

As far as you putting together a backup plan for me, I'm sorry that you wasted any time on that. Whom I spend the money on is up to me, why do you think you know that I will be interested in who you contact for me?

I would have rather you used that time to contact me if only 30 minutes earlier. That should have easily been possible, as our appt was at 3:30pm, so an hour and 45 minutes earlier would make it 1:45pm I called at almost exactly 2:15, so I would have preferred the earlier notice.

One thing that I find so problematic here at ECCIE, is trying to get a feel for how dependable a lady is. This board has such incredibly poor search capabilities, that using them to see if a lady has any NCNS reports is nearly impossible. (For example looking for NCNS Elysa Scott, would give me results that included any of those words.)

To combat this, I decided to post looking for other gents results with Elysa. So, I posted in the mens lounge to determine if this incident was isolated or common. If I had found this to be an isolated incident per postings to that thread, I would have rescheduled. But, since Elysa has decided not to see me, the results there no longer concern me.

The truth is that I'm a busy guy, and don't have time for setting up several plans. I actually don't want to set up a plan B, as then that makes me do exactly what I don't want providers to do. Some lady would then get cancelled at the last instant by me, if plan A does proceed as planned.

My suspicion is that this is an attempt at damage control as I'm guessing Elysa has been made aware of the thread in the Men's Lounge through some means.

I can only hope this this kind of instance should highlight how not having reliable information of NCNS or last minute cancellations tied to a ladies profile, can actually hurt the lady. The ladies that are good around here, should want this info tied to profiles, as badly as the gents do.

Elysa, since you now think I'm some horrible individual, I won't bother to contact you to reschedule.

Well, it's in the open. Everyone can make up their own mind.
timothe's Avatar
It's just a misunderstanding between two people but the way Elysa tried to make it right impressed me.
daty/o's Avatar
You know, shit happens. Sometimes it's the real deal and sometimes, I think, it's more of a "my dog ate my homework" kinda thing. Admit it, if you were a provider and you needed to use it, you would. Sorry it happened to you; been there.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 03-10-2012, 12:45 AM
Then I went on to let him know that because it was so last minute I also contacted a couple of my friends and have a very reputable and equally as fun lady willing to be available in my place if he is interested so that he would not have to worry about a plan B. I had plan B available for him. I know it can be difficult to make last minute arrangements and feel very bad that I was not able to let him know earlier. Originally Posted by Elysa Scott
Just so everyone knows the full score, the backup plan she was able to put together, was for the next day. That doesn't do me much good, as my weekend is fully planned. So, I would ask anyone to contact the person with the appointment sooner, and let the person who made the appointment decide if they are even interested in the friends.
Finding out Aunt Flo has arrived during DATY is...FUN!!!
Only 69er and Elysa know the complete score here...I've met both of them and they are cool. Too cool to be mad at each other...

What can I say...RED happens and ladies, the sooner you tell us guys about it, the better.
Yeah...69er is so cool that he proudly admits to trying to bait providers into public meltdowns, and has to hide his ECCIE handle to see ladies. Cool guy, Prolongus! If he would have scheduled through his handle, I doubt this thread would have ever occurred...and not because he has a great handle.

Anyone who has to resort to deceit in order to "enjoy something sexy", has me concerned, and I am not alone in that thinking.

You know, we are damned if we do, damned if we don't. If she would have let him know 5 hours in advance, which was impossible because she did not have his contact info at her RL job (what a slacker! I can't believe she didn't have his number written on her palm!), he would have bitched about it. You see, if you do a simple search on posts in much the same fashion as he does, anyone can see he is a griper. There is NOTHING she could have done correctly. Ever. Elysa, consider it a blessing LOL

From what I see, she tried to make it right. She even volunteered a friend. So what if it was the next day? A least she was trying to bend over backwards to please his ass! And he complains about that too? Granted, it is his money and his choice, but he is ripping her apart for doing that. IMO, she has shown class all the way. If she wanted to be shitty, she would have waited until he got there, to tell him. Or waited until he noticed blood to say, "Oops!". Guys like 69'er, who have very little understanding, are the reason why hookers fake their periods instead of being upfront.

Thank guys like this for your frustrations, fellas.

Is there anything she could have done correctly? Remember, she didn't have his number at her job, when she found out. So what was she supposed to do, exactly? Smoke signals? Telepathy?

Hobbyists WK'ing other hobbyists,not knowing their history, always amuses me.

And he must have the most top-secret info connection ever, because I can't find one single solitary NCNS on her. Then again, he Pm'd me several months ago when I pissed him off, to tell me I had horrid reviews I didn't know about. I still can't find them, so maybe you guys need to network with this guy who has all the insider info.

Nice guy! Really, he is. The douchebag role is just a front for the hooker boards.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Sounds like she handled it pretty well to me.

69'er, just because she suggested friends as an alternative doesn't mean she's forcing them down your throat. She couldn't work due to her period, so she offered a possible alternative. That's 100x more than what many ladies would have done. At that point, it's up to you whether you want to try one of the ladies she suggested, but it wasn't as though she was forcing you or bait and switching you. She was making extra effort. I applaud her for that.

Hell, I had one woman not even tell me she was on her period. I showed up to the appointment and didn't find out until I reached down and felt the pad she had on.

She also gave you some advanced notice... an hour and a half is a lot more than many guys (and girls) get on cancellations. There are complete no shows every day in this hobby. She made the effort not to do that to you.

Some people will never be happy no matter how much you try.
I'm only tangentially connected to this situation so obviously I can't offer up anything other than my personal opinion but I will say that yes, Elyssa did contact me that day. She was at work and called me on my personal line to ask me, as a favor, if I would be able to make time to see a gentleman with whom she had booked an appointment. She was very upset that she had to cancel on him and called me in an attempt to try and make things right for him.

69'er, you are absolutely correct that no one should book your appointments but you, Elysa contacted me (and a few other ladies) because she didn't want to leave you stranded. Anyone who has attempted to book with me recently can attest to the fact that because of my work and school schedule it's very difficult to actually get in to meet with me. I was willing to drop what I was doing on that day and meet with you. Why? Because she asked me, as her friend, to help her. I can't imagine that she was pushing you to see me but I do apologize if it made you feel as though you were being foisted off on another lady of lesser quality in which you had no interest in seeing.