What you think

Now bear with me as I write this..Now Ive been thinking and reading lately so i was like, well see what your eccie family think so hear it goes... Ive been reading where people have been saying girls have been getting busted or the girls get on here and share a story about there friend..Some men say well you have to understand hotels have cams and etc, but I stayed at the budget suties in arlington when i first started as lot of girls have and there are not any cams there but you have to worry about people seeing you and all..Now if you have a apt or house you have to worry about the samething if im not mistaking and if I am let me know that why i wrote this..
Now the only way i can see you just being all the way safe is just dont do it at all..Cause to me no matter how you look at it if your going to a houst,apt, or hotel you still are taking a risk..What do you think? One risk migh be bigger but its still a RISK at the end of the day..
There are inherent risks with every type of incall. Outcalls have there risk, maybe different, but the risks are there.

Motels, Hotels, apartments, homes, even a dark alley have risks. You must do things to reduce those risks. If you have multiple girls in one location servicing multiple guys in one day, then the high traffic is going to be noticed. Especially when the guys always show up clean and well dressed and leave disheveled and sweaty.

By keeping her traffic low in comparison to the overall traffic at the incall, the eyebrows of onlookers are not raised. Other than that, it is the responsibility of both parties to keep things low key. When you walk into a lobby swinging a bag from CONDOM SENSE over your shoulder with your chest all puffed out, that doesn't cut it. If you look like you belong in the lobby, you draw less attention. Boobs hanging out, ass showing, not good. Even if you are dressed somewhat conservatively, but your over all appearance is just so you get noticed, could be bad news.

Example, there is a lady in the Welcome Wagon right now with a nice thick head of red hair. She isn't going to sneak through any lobbies. Not her fault. She may want to cover her head or do something to reduce the big hair, perhaps a librarian look when she enteres the lobby.

I usually have something in my hands when I enter a lobby. It may be a Walmart bag with a couple of softdrinks in it. It may be a briefcase or a folder. Something that says I am working. I walk with a purpose. I may smile and greet the hotel clerk, I may hold the door for someone. Never rude, a gentleman, and if I am remembered, the last thing they would ever associate me with is going upstairs to screw some lady's ass.
MikeHonchoHimself's Avatar
Hmmm... maybe you should come to Fort Worth awhile. Lol. Just a thought, I would love to meet you.
Well tiger good point..One day dmac
Well I do my incalls at a hotel, but since I'm not busy all the time and do not see as many guys as a high-volume provider, I don't think many people pay me any attention. Like tigercat said, if multiple guys were in and out of my place all the time, I'm pretty sure people would notice.
Some times I go 3 or 4 days without seeing someone. I'm actually glad I'm not one of those wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am and on-to-the-next providers. And most of my clients love that I offer a shower before, during or after our appointment.. Sometimes guys come over on their lunch breaks, and who wants to go back to worry looking like you just got laid?? LMAO
Being low volume will definitely keep most people out of your business, whether it's in a hotel, apartment, town home, or house.
TexasDave555's Avatar
Home and apartments carry more risk for observing by neighbors. There have been a few ladies run out of various places because of the nosey neighbor. Can't fault the neighbor though, since I wouldn't mind someone keeping an eye out like that if I lived next door.

Hotels.. well that depends on the hotel itself. I remember seeing a youngin when she first started in a nice 4 star in Dallas. The issue with the hotel was it required a keycard to get up to the floor so she had to come down and get me. Nothing would draw more attention to a lady then that over time. Hotel Management varies, but most probably ignore it so long as customers do not complain. Some may ask them to leave however and that has happened as well.

Traveling as much as I do, I can say that I have spotted hobby activity before in some of the hotels I have stayed at. One in particular was a long-term stay, I was there 14 months.... and she was pretty so I remembered her and saw her staying there off and on the entire time. I never said anything, but the management did know as they made a reference to it at one point to me. Casual travelers will likely not spot it though unless its really overt and stupid.

The level of hotel also plays a role, the lower end places expect that kind of thing to happen so they are more likely to turn a blind eye to it. I know a few women I have seen over the years had long-term check-ins and it would be impossible for the management NOT to know but so long as you don't make a problem for them, they will leave you alone.

The area will play a factor tho.. if I know someone is staying at lower end hotel/motel in an area known for that kind of thing, I would probably not see her under those circumstances.

As in all things discretion is important.... keep your head low and it should work out fine.
Daen1304's Avatar
TC makes a few good points which show I am still an amatuer. Luckily I was showing up after Valentines day so the items I had were easily explainable.

But the carrying a suitcase looking like he is going to work gave me an idea. Maybe the lady can sign up for Avalon or something and carry a bag that suggests that she is there to sell merchandise? Hell, with the married guys it might even bring in a little extra cash.
lol dean and understand st i dont see alot of people so all this is one big help to me ty
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Everything is risky in this. Outcalls, incalls, apartments, homes, notels, motels, hotels. But that's life really.

That being said, I do maybe 5 incalls a month (sometimes a few more, most of the time less) out of an apartment complex where I've never encountered a single neighbour in 2 years. Works for me, might not work for everyone.
Now bear with me as I write this..Now Ive been thinking and reading lately so i was like, well see what your eccie family think so hear it goes... Ive been reading where people have been saying girls have been getting busted or the girls get on here and share a story about there friend..Some men say well you have to understand hotels have cams and etc, but I stayed at the budget suties in arlington when i first started as lot of girls have and there are not any cams there but you have to worry about people seeing you and all..Now if you have a apt or house you have to worry about the samething if im not mistaking and if I am let me know that why i wrote this..
Now the only way i can see you just being all the way safe is just dont do it at all..Cause to me no matter how you look at it if your going to a houst,apt, or hotel you still are taking a risk..What do you think? One risk migh be bigger but its still a RISK at the end of the day.. Originally Posted by exoticbabygirl
You are absolutely correct. If you play, you take risks regardless of where you play. The only thing you can do to avoid risk in the hobby is to not participate in the hobby.