Liberal Candidate Moon Jae-in Wins South Korean Presidency.

So what does this mean to South Korea's future relations with the USA, and it's attitude toward the North.

I agree with Moon's statements on one thing. What the South has been doing for the past decades has accomplished very little in preventing The North from developing Nuclear Weapons, or the means to deliver them.

The North is still the same totalitarian shithole it always was since the Communist took over.

President Trump has stated that he would be willing to sit down with North Korea's "Leader", and has been castigated by many who feel that we can't consort with Dictators and Strongmen.

But if we are not willing to simply blow him and his Country off the face of the Earth, what other option do we have. Nobody wants a War, but in lue of that, what else can be done?

It would be great if North and South Korea could do the same thing that East and West Germany did. Unify the Nations under a Democratic form of Government. But before that could happen, China would have to go through the same revolution that the Soviet Union did.

I don't see that happening.
South Korea would have a massive problem dealing with all of those starving NK citizens, at the very least.