No, Im not retiring, But I am leaving.

Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
This is not the typical "come see me soon cause I am retiring" theAD.. But I am leaving the San Antonio area. I have known for while but put off annoucing the move until I had a better time frame. Me and My family are re-locating to the Tulsa Area. House is already on the market, and moving plans are already in motion. I am not entirely sure on the exact date, but if I can manage to have our house packed and ready by thanksgiving, that will be when I am gone. But the absolute latest it will be is the end of this month.

I want to say thank you to all the wonderful gentlemen that I have met and enjoyed over the last 3 years. I have learned so much about yall and about myself. I have enjoyed the majority of my dates; for every single one of them have been unique. Thank you for being so generous and giving me a chance to give you something you needed in your life, because you fulfilled something in mine San Antonio Gents are among the best group of guys in this hobby! I am sure I will visit some for I am from this area and I will keep in touch

To all the ladies that I have met... some more personal than others lol

Every one of you are beautiful. You are priceless, and deserve the absolute best. There are way to many to name individually. But I hope the SA gents realize the jewels they have here in their backyard ! Thank you for all the smiles, laughs, kisses, hugs, private moments , double partners, drinks, and advice. Above all else support through the rowdy times ! You know who you are ! Support each other, and try to help one another. Our safety is in our hands.

PS Ladies... You ain't ever gonna find a bitch that licks like me !!! LMAO Those who know me... know ! Those who don't... inside joke sorry lol

You girls let me know if you ever want to do a tour to Tulsa, DOUBLES !! HELL YEAH !

Overall, I love San Antonio and will miss yall and this town so much !!
I know we talked about this and I wish you and your family only the very best in everything that you do.

Take care and God Bless!!
Marcus78's Avatar
I'm sorry to see you go Jez. I never did get a chance to meet you. Please stop by the SA boards and stay in touch/say hello every now and then. Best of luck to you and your family in Tulsa.
  • Laz
  • 11-04-2011, 02:25 PM
You are a terrific lady and I enjoyed hanging out with you. I wish you the best.
TULSA? Awesome, now I have somewhere I can stay! ( Jez, you'll be sorely missed! Just make sure you drop in and stay in touch! Good-luck babygirl!

Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Nikki, I have a few weeks left ... LETS PARTY TO SEND ME OFF RIGHT !! LOL

PS>.. You can always stay with me
Hate to see you go, you will be missed!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Jezz, I wish you the best & take care

BorderCrosser's Avatar
Best of luck in Tulsa Jez! I hope you enjoy your new home as well as you've enjoyed this one!

Are you still going to be on the board? If so, pop in and say HI! every now and then.......
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 11-04-2011, 03:30 PM
It was so great meeting you at the M&G. Was so hoping we could get together. You have such a great personality and such captivating eyes and smile. You'll be missed from the gents who had the pleasure as well as the ones who didn't. All the best!!

Im gonna miss you tons!!!!
Whos gonna play with my boobies during mid convo, or remind me that im supposed to have "your" booty, or whos gonna make fun of my "drink of choice", or my "accent" lol, or take me on poker dates
Wish you nothing but the best!!!
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
@ Border... Yes I will still be on the board.. Jezabelle and all her skills will be alive and well in Tulsa !

@ Maxx... Thank you babe! I will miss you too
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Im gonna miss you tons!!!!
Whos gonna play with my boobies during mid convo, or remind me that im supposed to have "your" booty, or whos gonna make fun of my "drink of choice", or my "accent" lol, or take me on poker dates
Wish you nothing but the best!!! Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti
Oh my kitti !!! ... No one will ever feel you up during the middle of a sentence like I do .. I will give you a call every so often to tell you that I have your butt lol and remind you of your ethnicity LMAO

And when I come visit.. we will do poker.. or you go to a tour in Tulsa.. there are casinos there !!

Casinos = Jezabelle's Heaven !
Desperado's Avatar
Aw sorry to see ya go. It was fun talking with ya a few weeks ago. Have fun and take care!
I use to live in Tulsa and still go there every once in a while. If you have ever seen the movies The Outsiders, the scene where they are at the drive in was filmed at the Admiral Twin drive in. Most of that film was shot in Tulsa. Anyways I also don't know if you remember me or not lol. Met you along time ago. Hope you enjoy Tulsa!