Clients Searching Without An Account

I'll get messages about once a week from guys who don't have accounts.
They'll either email me or text me and when I ask for their Eccie handle, they don't have one.
Then I ask for p411 names, and oh yeah, they don't have that either.
Last, I ask for references, and oh yeah, they don't have those either because they don't play a lot.
Well, it makes it really risky for us providers and it wastes our time.
I think the men should have to have an account to search us because I hate wasting my time on guys who have no way to show me their legit.
Kind of ranting, but it happens too often and it's super annoying.

They can't use search without an account, but that doesn't stop anyone from reading your ads or reviews and obtaining your contact info from there. Just use proper screening, which sounds like what you have been doing.