Can I make a suggestion?

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  • tml
  • 11-19-2012, 03:38 PM
Look, I understand that it's not "the rules," and all.....but considering the fact that this is a new forum, could the mods consider showing a little leniency on the 30-day thread bump rule?

A good example of what I'm talking about is the "Red hot Vyvian" review by flyinghillbilly in the Indy reviews section - a review moved from StL to Sgf/Jop this week. Being a new forum, we've gotten some new/increased traffic, and some discussion sparked that is new for our area. In the review I'm referring to, yes, it was over 30-days old and got bumped by a question....but 4 posts later, it was a relavent, CURRENT discussion that got closed on a letter-of-the-law ruling that I believe doesn't factor in the spirit of said law. (Actually, the rule in question basically gives that caveat as a potential legitimate reason to bump a 30+ thread)

Ultimately, my request is this.....Just let us play with our new forum for a couple of weeks. Maybe send an email to rookies, warning that this latitude will only be given for a short time so we avoid creating bad habits in them.....but just let the forum equalize itself.

That's my $0.02, anyway......
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  • tml
  • 11-19-2012, 03:41 PM
By the way - my concern is that we don't squelch interest in the forum....which is why I think a hiatus, or at least a "loosening up" for a short time is warranted.
I never liked the 30 day rule on reviews 90 would be better !!!!!!
the 30 day rule seems unhandy to me, esp in this area when trying to learn about ladies who stay in the area. A review from two months ago about a lady that has been here for years, should still be relevant.

Appreciate the OP making the request
We need all the info we can get.......we keep getting a parade of new girls (fake or not) we need all the ID help we can get.