Do you judge a provider on her music choices BCD?

I've been updating my playlist, and I was wondering if you guys take notice of the ladies taste in music, or what is being played. I come from a family of musicians and artists, so I was raised to appreciate a wide variety of music, and my playlists definitely reflect that...I don't generally listen to much rap, but there are a couple songs that have really good BCD beats/lyrics that quite frankly, are good songs to get it on to. Nothing overly 'gangsta', just a few songs that I liked back in my SC days.

For example, if you heard Kashmir, Closer(Nine Inch Nails), and then (MUSIC WARNING!) THIS, would you think it was weird? Should I separate my music into genres? Am I thinking way too much about something that doesn't really make a difference?

Just wondering.
Just play it baby. You like it, I am sure it will be good.

I listen to just about anything. Love to get to know a lady by her music choices.

Dennis666's Avatar
You should play whatever you like. Personally, I love NINE INCH NAILS. Have you ever heard of a band called, A Perfect Circle? Greatest band in the world
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Me personally, I like some music, but I would rather not listen to anything if the musical choice is something I don't like.

The majority of hobbiests seem to be 35 plus. If the genre you play is something that doesn't appeal to your target audience, it isn't a good marketing strategy. My taste has changed over time. I started off in the late 60's through the 70's listening to heavy metal. My taste has progressed through grunge to some of the more modern rock bands; Staind, Three Days Grace, Trapt, NIN, etc. My son and I seem to have the same taste in music which is kind of cool

I bedded a stripper the day the NIN Downward Spiral CD debuted when I asked a DJ friend of mine to play "closer" while she was on stage. Music can always set a mood and even performers like Chris Rae or the late Isaac Hayes, which I like both of, have a few songs that some girls like for mood music.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Zep, Skynyrd, Stones, Allman Brothers...60's and 70's better than Viagra for me!!!
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I wouldn't judge a provider based on her music choices because that's not why I'm there. However, having said that, there is a greater chance of connecting with a provider if our music choices align. Music, food, and sex are related... all are very personal and tied to personal taste.

Dannie - if that's a playlist of yours, we're very closely aligned... and I bet I could see your playlist and raise you a Jane's Addiction. ;-)
Spaulding Smails's Avatar
No, I don't judge based on the selection, but you do get bonus points for EVEN having audio capability with a playlist! Some of the girls have no music capability at their incalls. I should start carrying around portable speakers with my iPod.
Music is probably my single most love in life (with comic books coming in a close second, then women, yeah, I'm ghey, I know, haha). Having said that, I'm a snob when it comes to my taste in music. So, if a provider isn't playing: Industrial, EBM, Aggrotech, Power Noise or Hardcore, then I'll be distracted and annoyed mostly.

I've played music at the ninja kitties dojo a few times, but most of the providers aren't really into the music I like (except for one: shout out to Autumn Stark!). Meh...

Imagine poundin' away to this:
oldmarine's Avatar
Once the activities start the music just fades into the background. Especially if the woman I am with is into the session and I am into her (pun intended). It is not really important to me.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Once the activities start the music just fades into the background. Especially if the woman I am with is into the session and I am into her (pun intended). It is not really important to me. Originally Posted by oldmarine
This is true for me also, music can help set the mood, but once we get going it's background noise. The music shouldn't be so loud as to be distracting or a beat that I can't keep up with.

Having said that a providers music is not why I see her, but she gets bonus points for asking.
I belive that this was already disccussed here. Research people
LazurusLong's Avatar
Clients judge providers on everything. Some things they are aware of, some they are not.
ANONONE's Avatar
I bring the music. Even if it is incall, i bring a whole kit with me, including an IPod and speaker system, candles, strawberries, chocolate, little bottles of Asti, grape seed oil. . .

I seek a GFE, and provide a BFE and that includes the music.
I also don't judge but if you put rap on I find it very hard to concentrate.Doesn't lend itself to the occasion in any form or fashion.
Like a couple of the guys have mentioned I am of the older generation and I prefer the classic rock.
yaddayadda's Avatar
Weird Al Jankovic, nothing like a good accordion solo to get the room in a mood.....

Whoo Hoo...

Just kidding ya'll.

Dean Martin is good also....