How many Men has this happend to?

Laughing so hard at the joke in this thread...

I had to stop and wonder,..just how many men has this actually happened to.

Or in other words...How many of you guys have seen a beautiful woman and either done something with her or wanted to only to find out she is a he?
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  • Dawgs
  • 08-28-2012, 07:36 AM
Came close on night at a bar until a friend of mine stopped me and told me it was a HeShe.
That's very funny.
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  • Dawgs
  • 08-28-2012, 08:50 AM
Damn it, it's not funny she/it was hot. LOL
Not so many years ago i was sitting at a bar in Reno, Nevada and a He,She,It , or whatever it was hit on me wanting to know if i liked the Eagles ( 70's rock group ) and did i know they were having a concert close by and would i be interested in going to see them.
We broke into some chatter about the group and sat there talking for almost 20 minutes and I bought this "It" a drink and It got up to go to powder room and bartender informed me of what It was - OMG - It came back and I slowly began to look at It trying to see if I could tell and It had a very nice set of boobs and very pretty face and you could not see an adams apple and almost all of it was perfect and it was dressed in a very nice dress.
The only sign i saw that could of warned me were its fingers - Thank god i didnt do any more than talk to It !
I slowly but surely made up an excuse and got the hell up from bar and slid out door.
I came back next night and chatted with bartender and found out that He had several thousands of dollars of surgery done and even gender reconstruction .
Needless to say I left the bartender a nice tip !
Needless to say I left the bartender a nice tip ! Originally Posted by wildwooly1
I'm sure you did. solved in a quick have an adams apple.......women don't.....
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  • Dawgs
  • 08-28-2012, 11:07 AM
Not all men have a prominent Adams apple, it may be there but not fully visible.
If they have a cock then they are a he.

Learned in San Diego to either ask or feel. I found asking the best and they did not seem to mind telling me.
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  • Dawgs
  • 08-28-2012, 12:20 PM
In Singapore you have to ask!!
2deepnya's Avatar
Good one
Reminds me of the Charlie Daniels lyrics from Uneasy Rider '88:

"I grabbed her by the hair, it came off in my hand;
and that beautiful girl was just a beautiful man!"
Roothead's Avatar
in the late 80's, at a large NY based university. during the summer break, a number of my teammates stayed at school for various summer session classes, make-work no-show jobs and other benefits that were bestowed on our football team....since this was my home town, I was working as a bouncer in one of the many college bars that surrounded the city-based campus - one weds night, a few of the guys on the team walked into our usual hang out called "Sutters Mill"..... one of them was a to-be sophomore we called "Lance Romance" Lance was also one of my next door neighbors, living in our student athlete housing units, consisting of attached 3 bedroom ole Lance drank through the night, be became more lacking in his standards and wound up chatting with a rather tall "girl".... she was fairly good looking, great big hair, short skirt, CFMH, etc... at the 2am last call, it was apparent that Lance was living up to his name.... fast forward about 60 minutes later, after cleaning out the bar, I arrived home to see the campus security and local police cars in our parking lot.... seems ole Lance was going from 1st to 2nd and on to 3rd with this girl, when he discovered some unexpected equipment, flipped out and beat the crap out of didn't end well for Lance, as shortly thereafter he left the university,,,,