Will you ban BerryBerry if...

tatasddd's Avatar
Since BerryBerry has been speculating regarding my Citizenship and has called me illegal numerous times, my question is if I submit proof of my Citizenship of the United States of America will you ban this speculator? Or can you somehow make him shut the fuck up? He is getting to be fucking annoying. This is like speculating with someone's medical condition, you know?
dynamitekid's Avatar
You better watch what you say about promoting prostitution in your tagline, tatas....that shit will get you attention from Detective CZ.
Only a real fuckin imbecile would be ever busted by them though...

Back on topic: I agree with banning Berryberry.
tatasddd's Avatar
You better watch what you say about promoting prostitution in your tagline, tatas....that shit will get you attention from Detective CZ.
Only a real fuckin imbecile would be ever busted by them though...

Back on topic: I agree with banning Berryberry.
Originally Posted by dynamitekid
BerryBerry speculates and I think if proven wrong, which he is, he MUST be banned as he is speculating regarding an official status of someone. At the very least he must shut the fuck up about it.

Don't worry about "detective" CZ and her "Janitors" I meet them weekly. Matter of fact just saw 4 of them yesterday Downtown right in front of the new PNC building (of course bothering a black fella). It is not a "profession" to be proud of. Even their title " a vice squad" evokes laughter and nothing but laughter. So they set up stings and "catch" people, at the same time a mile down the road at the Casino gambling flourishes. You know it is all about $$$$ and has nothing to do with safer community which essentially makes the "profession" despicable.
lustylad's Avatar
Back on topic: I agree with banning Berryberry. Originally Posted by dynamitekid
Yeah he should be banned for being a hoodrat trafficker. Btw I read somewhere that Obama's birth certificate says he was born in Bulgaria, not Kenya.
tatasddd's Avatar
Yeah he should be banned for being a hoodrat trafficker. Btw I read somewhere that Obama's birth certificate says he was born in Bulgaria, not Kenya. Originally Posted by lustylad
You again misheard...he was born in Indonesia. People with such complexion are NOT native to Bulgaria. Check your facts.
berryberry's Avatar
Geez DK and Lusty, with friends like you, who needs enemies

C'mon now though, you know you will be there in November voting for Trump, so we can Make America Great Again, build that wall to keep the illegals out and deport the ones here back to where they came from
tatasddd's Avatar
Geez DK and Lusty, with friends like you, who needs enemies

C'mon now though, you know you will be there in November voting for Trump, so we can Make America Great Again, build that wall to keep the illegals out and deport the ones here back to where they came from Originally Posted by berryberry
Starting with your own grandparents back to Africa.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Lightning and the ban hammer can a will strike in the same place multiple times.