Police Officer Had Sex with a Prostitute

Saturn's Avatar
doesn't suprise me. they are human too.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
LOL, he said " you got to do what you got to do"

"Eager to make the arrest, so he got naked"
w900l's Avatar
  • w900l
  • 02-14-2010, 09:18 PM
He should get an award for going above and beyond his duty to uphold the law. LOL
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That is police corruption, pure and simple.

Now, his supervisor is covering up for him.

They should both be fired.
gregory_m2003's Avatar
ofcourse i'm not surprised either..
I can never understand this obession in US with prostitution stings..
Isn't it is just another business/profession..
how is it really different from say something like acting in porn movies..?
Aren't porn actresses getting paid to have sex with some one too? Why is that not considered prostitution? Just because that act is taped and sold to public..?
Come to think of it, I would like to hear some legal experts opinion on this.. may be I'll post this question on coed..
pyramider's Avatar
This happens all the time. In Houston years ago vice got a lot of service while building the case to bust some Amps. It happened in Dallas ac couple of years ago.

It used to be that LE could not get naked while building a case. That is not true today. I wonder what the fine line is and where is it.
George O.'s Avatar
Oh right! That officer really thought he was saving society from the bad people by his actions. Getting himself some was just his duty in making the case. What BS. If the hypocrites in this country would unclench for a while the crime rate would dive and we would all be smiling a bit more.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Nothing the police do surprises me. When they get to the detective level, there are numerous opportunities to prove they are only human and many of them prove that they are.
Doctoring reports and suspect statements, crossing the line here and there.
Things become very confusing for them and they were not born with any more morals than the rest of us.
OldGrump's Avatar
The poor guy was "buck nekkid" and the girl was willing. Imagine the frustration he would take back to the job if he had to suppress those feelings. I sure don't want him watching my driving habits with that much tension built up inside.

As long as the law is applied equally to him & the other guys doing the same thing. Ya' think?
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Prostitution stings are common because 1) they make the morning newspaper and evening news every time and 2) they distract the public from everything the police are NOT doing.
gptxman's Avatar
Nothing the police do surprises me. When they get to the detective level, there are numerous opportunities to prove they are only human and many of them prove that they are.
Doctoring reports and suspect statements, crossing the line here and there.
Things become very confusing for them and they were not born with any more morals than the rest of us. Originally Posted by BushDrummer
How true. Years ago when I still lived in a very small community out in the sticks of E Texas my neighbor was a cop and he was worse about breaking the law than anyone I have ever met. I am just shocked that it is not him on the video.
Boltfan's Avatar
LOL, he said " you got to do what you got to do"

"Eager to make the arrest, so he got naked" Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
I have been naked out of eagerness several times.
This should be a sticky. You wouldn't believe the number of myths I've heard, and from hobbyists and providers no less.

If he instigates it, then it proves he's not a cop.

If he touches you sexually first, it proves he's not a cop.

If he calls at 3:14AM without references and offers to drop trou if you'll log onto web cam, then it proves he's not a cop. (Ah, newbies. Bless their little cotton socks.)
Sounds like a case for the "Internal Affairs" department to me.

The punishment should be draconian: 90 days without donuts.