How many inches taller or shorter

Jessica Hollings's Avatar
How many inches taller or shorterI realize it’s all about preference but I just wonder what the preferences by inches by bone structure or by thickness how do you judge who would be the perfect taste‼️‼️?
I asumme you are talking about height, bare foot with no heels on.

I prefer women to be 5'2" to 5'5". Just tall enough she can lay her head on my shoulder in heels.
I'm 6'0" and prfer 5'7" to 5'10
burkalini's Avatar
I'm 6'7 and I actually prefer shorter women. 5'0 to 5'5
I’m only 6’8”, used to be slim & trim but I got old & found Blue Bell ice cream!
I luv❤️��❤️ all the Ladies no matter how tall as long as they’re Pretty & Sexy
yourdesire's Avatar
I'm 5'0 and love the fact I never have trouble finding tall men 😁
My dad was 6'5" and my mom was 4'11".
When all is said and done, I usually go with the biggest tits!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
.... how do you judge who would be the perfect taste‼️‼️? Originally Posted by Jessica Hollings
The perfect taste would be tested at the "Y". Height has nothing to do with that.
Besides, once folks are horizontal on a bed, a height difference disappears.
yourdesire's Avatar
Except w/69 uc 😂
Being a tall plus sized busty BBW seems to work in my favor, even if just curiousness or fetishes. Shorter men seem to love me especially and they are certainly enthusiastic. Occasionally I'll get a really tall gentleman 6'4" & above who absolutely adore my height enough to request my highest heels.

It all depends on someones initial preferences & biases, then next come reviews, online presence, & taking care of business skills.