Covid19-free Certification

ICU 812's Avatar
A lot of discussion these days about a government issued certification that one is free from Covid19 infection . . .that is that you have been vaccinated. At first this seems perfectly reasonable . . . thoughts of unintended consequences and undesirable ramifications make themselves known.

Establishing the validity of a so-called "Covid Passport" also establishes a mechanism that the Government, Democrat or Republican, can use to restrict or regulate our ability to freely travel within and between the States. Sound like an extremist conspiracy theory? States have already restricted entry from other States and employed law enforcement personnel to enforce it. Creating a national database of citizens information, health records and financial data gives authorities the powerful tools to make this permanent.

Now Covid19 is an infectious killer, but so is TB or AIDS, Bubonic Plague, Hanta virus and other significant diseases. Why not have a passport for them? For that matter, why not have a passport that certifies that I am not a convicted felon, or out on a PR or no-cash-bail with 8 or 20 outstanding warrants for violent crimes as is too often the vase here in Houston?

Internal travel passports? Sounds like something from Stalinist USSR or Maoist China.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And so it starts. You want to sit with other vaccinated people at a Miami Heat game? We now have a ticket for that.

Heat add ‘vaccinated’ seating sections for home games

The Miami Heat announced Tuesday that the team will offer vaccinated-only seating at AmericanAirlines Arena for those with proof of coronavirus vaccination starting on April 1.

This despite the fact that Gov. DeSantis says "Covid passports" will not be allowed in Florida.

Florida Gov. DeSantis Rejects Vaccine Passports As 'Completely Unacceptable'

But the Heat aren't saying you can't get in without a "Covid vaccinated card", they are just setting aside a VIP section for people who have been vaccinated. I doubt there is anything the Governor can do to stop a business from setting aside a VIP section.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Power and control ,,,the progressive liberal found out they can scare the sheeples
However Hospitals are taking down there covid units so why now with the passport shit other then CONTROL


Now Covid19 is an infectious killer, but so is TB or AIDS, Bubonic Plague, Hanta virus and other significant diseases.... Originally Posted by ICU 812
So is the flu or any number of other diseases...

The mask mandate is totally lifted at the gym I go to. I honestly wish they'd leave the temperature check requirement in place. Tired of working out with people who are obviously sick.
Power and control ,,,the progressive liberal found out they can scare the sheeples
However Hospitals are taking down there covid units so why now with the passport shit other then CONTROL Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Really? I thought we are now in the "fourth wave" here in the United States? I'm not a COVID alarmist, but isn't that a little pre-mature, no?
Really? I thought we are now in the "fourth wave" here in the United States? I'm not a COVID alarmist, but isn't that a little pre-mature, no? Originally Posted by SecretE
Europe seems to be, dunno if we are.

Despite the Texas opening back up more than 2 weeks ago, cases are still trending downwards:
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And the amusing thing about a covid free certification is that its only good for a few hours. Let's get terminology correct.

Now a "I've been immunized certification" is totally different. But even those are only good for several months at best.

Frankly, anyone not wearing a mask till at least the end of summer is seriously challenging fate.
Really? I thought we are now in the "fourth wave" here in the United States? I'm not a COVID alarmist, but isn't that a little pre-mature, no? Originally Posted by SecretE
I've lost count of how many "second waves" we've had. Is this the second "fourth wave" or the original fourth wave. Never heard of the third wave.

Europe seems to be, dunno if we are.

Despite the Texas opening back up more than 2 weeks ago, cases are still trending downwards: Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Yet we are letting hundreds of thousands from all over the world in thru the South Texas border without testing them. And then either let them go or send them throughout the country.

And the amusing thing about a covid free certification is that its only good for a few hours. Let's get terminology correct.

Now a "I've been immunized certification" is totally different. But even those are only good for several months at best.

Frankly, anyone not wearing a mask till at least the end of summer is seriously challenging fate. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Let's get the terminology right. It's panic porn. Had Covid? You may relapse without warning. Haven't had Covid? You may have had it and not known it. Had Covid vaccine? Wear a mask and don't ask why. Had Covid vaccine last month? Not effective against the variants. Have Covid vaccine last year? May need to get vaccine renewed.

Wear a mask. Or two. Preferably something made out of nonporous material like saran wrap. No such thing as "too safe."
HedonistForever's Avatar
And the amusing thing about a covid free certification is that its only good for a few hours. Let's get terminology correct.

Now a "I've been immunized certification" is totally different. But even those are only good for several months at best.

Frankly, anyone not wearing a mask till at least the end of summer is seriously challenging fate. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

I think a great number of Americans look at the numbers, which at worst, suggest that 99% of people who get Covid "do not die", which is infinitely more important than those that get sick or even hospitalized, are willing to tempt fate, take that risk. Every day you leave your house, you are tempting fate to some degree considering how many of us die in accidents.

Covid-19 kills far more than 0.1% of the people who catch it

But is it much more than 1%?

The article argues that lockdown policies were based on a mistake, confusing the “Case Fatality Rate” (the proportion of people known to have the disease who die from it) with the “Infection Fatality Rate” (the proportion of all infected people who die from it, including people who may never have shown symptoms or been identified as cases). It claims that this made the novel coronavirus seem ten times deadlier than it actually is, suggesting it would kill around 1% of people it infected, rather than the “true” figure of 0.1%.

If we had to do this all over again, knowing what we know now, schools would never have been closed which happened in other countries and we would not throw millions of people with low risk of death, on un-employment. While some mitigation was necessary to protect the most vulnerable, I think we took it beyond where it needed to be and wasn't done properly as in the case of nursing homes.

I think history will show we over reacted and it cost us dearly.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Just think how you'll feel if you bring it to a older family member that's got other issues and then you have to buy a grave marker.
Yet we are letting hundreds of thousands from all over the world in thru the South Texas border without testing them. And then either let them go or send them throughout the country. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'd like to note that it's the federal government fornicating the canine on that one, not Texas. According to Gov. Wheels, police forces in the state of Texas are still enforcing immigration laws where they can, but ultimately the boarder is a federal one, and not a texas one, as much as I'd like it to be.
Just think how you'll feel if you bring it to a older family member that's got other issues and then you have to buy a grave marker. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I've personally wondered how many people have gone out and intentionally exposed themselves for the sake of putting someone else out of their misery.

But yeah. The simpler solution is to tell people who are compromised or live with someone who is compromised to stay home and cloister. Making everyone do it is asinine and slows down it burning itself out.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just think how you'll feel if you bring it to a older family member that's got other issues and then you have to buy a grave marker. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

Which brings us full circle back to personal responsibility. I saw quite a few "Dear Abby's" ( yea, I read them in the morning paper so shoot me ) about older people complaining that the young people ( over 18 ) living in their homes going out carousing and bringing home who knows what, what should I do?

Kick their ass to the curb should be the answer. My house my rules! And there is nothing a President, a Governor or a Mayor can do about ignorant, irresponsible people.
LexusLover's Avatar
Covid19-free Certification
There's no such thing.