why did they change the way the site lay out is

satan666's Avatar
kinda hard to navigate after being so used to the way it looked prior!
JRLawrence's Avatar
kinda hard to navigate after being so used to the way it looked prior! Originally Posted by satan666
Agree. Change for the sake of change is not an improvement.

Do not allow it without justification. The artsy fartsy people do not improve understanding.

Isn't it pretty doesn't count.

I came back to add another comment.

It seems that a lot of sites are switching to light gray fonts that is hard to read. I noticed it a little over a year ago, and no it is not my computer.

If we are suppose to read it, why make it gray? Make it black. It doesn't cost anything - there is no cost for ink.

I recommend you take this discussion to the National forums. I have no doubt there will be some lively discussions there, if not already.
They had good eyes, it is really small print.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I recommend you take this discussion to the National forums. Originally Posted by scorpio31
Tech Forum has a thread started, as does Member Suggestions.
A couple non-eccie IT guys have already identified the "new" old software and are vaguely amused with concepts of "owner should be embarrassed" starting to float.
satan666's Avatar
here is another


and I also have the question about how to check pm's. I had one from the mods about pa just before the change now I cant find any of my pm's. wtf
Click on your user name in the right upper corner. It drops down a menu for a bunch of stuff including PMs.

As far as interface goes it looks a little different but what needs to happen is a responsive BB interface. There are BB sites out there using this same software that have responsiveness where the layout and content rearranges based on screen or device size.
If you want to get rid of all of the advertisements replace the WWW in your URL with m

Mobile version is very thin
  • mre62
  • 08-04-2016, 11:07 AM
Where is the login located now?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Top right, find the unlabeled empty boxes

The "frame" for that funtion is not working for a few browser types.

Please put all issues on national board technical questions forum. That forum is "reviewed" by site admin. And, mention what type and edition of browser that you use.
Top right, find the unlabeled empty boxes

The "frame" for that funtion is not working for a few browser types.

Please put all issues on national board technical questions forum. That forum is "reviewed" by site admin. And, mention what type and edition of browser that you use. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Microsoft edge it works but on Internet explorer it doesn't work. I hate this new format, I hate change, just stuck in my ways I guess. I have the last or latest version of IE but it sucks also. Might have to go back to Firefox or use Microsoft Edge.
Peter Devlin's Avatar

Leave us alone.

So exhausting.

The alternative is static/lifeless?

Well...fuck. Okay then.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Tech Forum has a thread started, as does Member Suggestions.
A couple non-eccie IT guys have already identified the "new" old software and are vaguely amused with concepts of "owner should be embarrassed" starting to float. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Typical attitude of the IT guys for anyone in business. They all think that they know best. The customer never seems to know anything. I thought for a long time that I was the only guy with this problem from IT people. Nope, it turns out that the arrogance is usually the case. I learned something last year that I would want to share.

1. You usually get about 80% of what they are suppose to deliver for the amount of money pledged for the project.
2. Fire the first guy, and hire another with the specifications, again, in writing.
3. You will get about 80% of what you want from the second guy, or crews.
4. Fire the second guy, or crew, and repeat the process again and again.

Website development can be very expensive, and go out of control fast. Be ready to have everything in writing concerning what you want and what they are obligated to deliver. If they begin to slip (usually when the project gets harder). Place them on probation with a harsh warning. If needed, don't hesitate to fire them.

Document everything, and keep all the emails about the project so that you can take them to court.

These are always difficult people to work with, because they just don't understand what you want to do. You can explain it for hours, but they are not you. They can make a website; they just don't understand what the other person wants. So, you don't always get what you want. That is the way with artsy fartsy people.

This is not art. So don't hesitate to get rid if the art people who want to do it their way.

Sorry, been there - done that; including taking them to court.

zeejoe's Avatar
Why they gotta' hate on the multi-quote button?